
The following glossary provides a brief description of how Timeless Education regards specific terms at their most optimal meaning. This does not mean that the words always refer to this meaning when they are used, and it is for that very reason that a glossary of this type can be good for orientation in regards to what we should mean if we start from timeless parameters. In other words, this list is intended to support the memorization of essential or timeless conclusions.


An approach to improvement. Confrontation and presence with actuality instead of avoidances or refuge into partial ideals. The same meaning as the term "submission" in religion – acceptance of reality. Must not be confused with allowing oneself to be used or exploited. True acceptance provides a sense of freedom and is a form of advanced self-development.

The attempt to understand and increase awareness. Searching for and passing on timeless wisdom, as well as choosing an impartial or different attitude instead of automatic reactions.

Adaptation to ourselves (our organism) and to what occurs spontaneously in the moment. Nothing else is adaptation. Everything else is rigidity and programming (adaptation to ideas and habits).

The act of love and giving to oneself, others and the world without others knowing about it and without expecting anything in return (beyond one's own sense of substance from giving in the first place). Primarily the giving of one's own nature more than money or material possessions, and is not experienced as self-sacrifice. Supported by proper knowledge and self-knowledge, never by a forced sense of duty.

A thought or idea (same as a spirit). "The devil's angels" are erroneous, false, or bad thoughts/ideas.

Forms of expression that attempts to represent and convey timeless knowledge, insights and understanding through individual expressions in order to replace or emulate various experiences in a focused and deliberate way to convey a certain truth that is difficult or impossible to convey in other ways.



The lack of attempts to find and spread understanding from a position of questioning and self-questioning. The majority of people and social institutions fail with this and thus can be said to be criminals. But since people are not free without the right knowledge, they also cannot be blamed for crimes unless they oppose understanding when they encounter it.

Automatic and routine transmission of an environment's influence or tradition. Easily hypnotizes or is experienced as threatening depending on the individual's affinity and past experience.


An "impure" spirit or angel – i.e., a false or erroneous thought/idea. To be "possessed by a demon" is to be under the influence of erroneous assumptions, thoughts and ideas (often imitated from the culture).

Mental attachment and bias. Needs or demands that require that other people, circumstances and the world must change in order for us to feel good. Dependencies lead to vanity, suffering, and struggle against reality. Dependencies differ from submission, humility and receptiveness in that dependencies do not accept or work constructively and creatively with the particular causal context we find ourselves in. Only mental non-attachment or internal independence can lead to external improvement and satisfy deeper needs.

A materialistic concept that has similarities with 'Creational causality' but lacks the possibility of developing free will. The concept also often denies that any real consciousness exists and is based on a mechanistic view of the world, not a spiritual one.

Devil / The Devil
Thinking in opposites or "partiality." Dualistic thinking that seduces us with the delusion of "good" and "bad." Related to egoism. Called "the father of lies" because dualism is the first lie or delusion that gives rise to all other lies and delusions.

Usually something without a goal or end that does not lead anywhere. The only direction with a realistic or healthy goal is the moment, the present, presence, and the planning for presence. Presence and the moment are also the basis for substance, love and healthy relationships.

Partiality and preference for something together with a rejection of its opposite. Occurs in many forms such as the recognition of opposites but hostility towards (or devaluation of) one side; or the reduction of one thing to another in order to erase opposites altogether (e.g. that all is suffering or that all is love, both of which deny their opposite).


A wisdom or evaluation compass and tools for increasing understanding and self-knowledge, not just instruction. Instruction is imitation and occurs automatically in the culture even outside of schools. Stimulation of experiences through verbal discussions, self-expression, and various other activities provides a better foundation for our memory.

False substitute, self-deception, delusions, ruthlessness towards both self and others, avoidance of aspects of reality, self-contraction (self-reduction) through intense identifications and at the same time delusions of being bigger and more rich than is the case; manipulation and sense of deficiency as a result of what's been mentioned and because of cultural hypnosis, emotional wounds, and suppression of one's own nature. Not authentic self-love or natural drives that many believe it to be.

The question of how we can know something. In Timeless Education a basic assumption that everyone can get behind is postulated in the form of: consciousness (that we are conscious beings), recurrence (recognition), movement (time), contrasts (polarities), and interconnection (unity). Everything else is unknown quantities that do not work as a starting point. This basic knowledge (truth) is formulated through A-Ω-X-Ω. In other words, knowledge begins with experience and philosophy (hard metaphysics), not with science or information.

Eternal time
Timelessness. Permanence. Presence and awareness of eternity's goallessness. Refers, psychologically, to synchronization with the timeless cause and non-identification with everything except the unchangeable inner observer (pure consciousness).

Subjects that deal with the problem of pain and evil. True ethics is primarily about increasing people's awareness through self-knowledge and timeless principles. (See Morality.)

The opposite of morality and a result of unconsciousness (see Morality).

The driving out (expulsion) of false ideas and erroneous thinking through the right knowledge, the right understanding, and the right ideas.

Commonly misspelled as "extroversion." A tendency to adapt to or orient oneself to social norms or tradition and borrow values from the external, prevailing culture (or subculture). Exists in two variants: "social extraversion" that is expressive and inclined to adapt to subcultures or the latest trends with enthusiasm (called "malleable extraversion" in Timeless Education); and "active extraversion" that is more physically active than social and often rigid or routinely follows long-standing and simple traditions (called "rigid extraversion" in Timeless Education).

See Extraversion above.


A person's innate nature they were born with. Purpose and function in the environment (but never a climacteric purpose or goal in the future). That which makes something what it is intended to be. Completion of one's fate (nature) is not guaranteed. External circumstances and cultural hypnosis can interfere or get in the way.

Social structure oriented towards independence without laws and regulations. Anarchy and "demands for self-sufficiency." Usually outside of the political scale and represented, at worst, by organized crime and terrorist groups.

Cessation of blame that arises most effectively through the awareness and understanding of people's lack of free will and "almighty" causality that is supported by both modern science, secular philosophy, as well as by religion and timeless wisdom tradition of antiquity. Forgiveness does not need to be expressed in words or even in actions, since it is primarily an internal mental attitude, but in order to transmit wisdom and love or "righteousness" effectively, this inner forgiving attitude must often be communicated in some form. (See also Miracles.)

Flowing with reality and one's own natural energies. Action that expresses its true essence. Context and also limitation that provides a sense of meaning in action or non-action. What paradoxically awakens a sense of freedom in man is crisis. (See also Acceptance.)


A state of satisfaction. The Now, the moment; presence. The further away from the present goals have been placed as the source of satisfaction, the more vain, frustrating, and impossible they are to achieve while at the same time causing suffering for oneself and others since they reduce love and sense of substance.

See Morality.

The timeless cause behind all movement. Reality or "Ultimate Reality." Causality. Represented by three aspects: the Unknown behind all existence; the formula for this cause which has formed the basis of the numeral system and mathematics; as well as the internal observer within the individual which can be said to be its "image" or reflection.

Aspects of reality that represents different ways to ultimately reach the same overall reality. Worship or sacrifice to a deity is to choose an accessible starting point that suits our individual circumstance and psychology (human type) and through focusing on this part of reality (together with endurance) finally actualize ourselves and understand everything that is essential. Some of these ways or starting points are, for example, love (through which we can reach wisdom); knowledge (through which we can reach love); art and self-expression (through which we can reach self-knowledge); physical activity, family and household, or adventurousness (through which we can gain educational experiences), etc. More specifically, gods have their origins in twelve shapes as counselor gestalts to study depending on the analogy with one's own psychological state or temporary attitude in life. Historically, some gods have also represented the higher Self or causality (see God).


Something that happens and thus nothing people are responsible for as long as they lack the right knowledge or a trained will. Closely related with egoism and partiality.

Primarily someone who is natural (honest and authentic), loving (interested in everything), wise (non-attached) and knowledgeable (understanding). Honor is above all honesty and authenticity.

To help is primarily to raise awareness and support a person's bio-organic authenticity (nature). Anything else is temporary or manipulation.

Awareness of one's own limitations. Realistic self-image. Not taking credit for one's achievements since they belong to creational causality.


Guidance and orientation that revolves around the principles of Ultimate Reality, as well as the processes of the world and of the psyche, in order to promote well-being and affirmation of life with a realistic and honest attitude. Corrupt ideals focus on shaping the world and people into specific preferences or "images" through coercion and manipulation (i.e. the use of violence, intimidation, propaganda, or mobs). Because of the high risk of corruption and misinterpretation, having no ideal is often better than having the wrong ideal. But having the right ideal (truth) is better.

Timelessness. Permanence. What endures in a world of ceaseless change and eternal processes. Refers, psychologically (spiritually), to synchronization with the timeless cause and non-identification with everything except the unchangeable inner observer (pure consciousness) – to remember who one is.

Mental non-attachment and impartiality. Since every person exists in a context without external freedom or independence and must constantly interplay with their own nature, with other people, and with the culture and external circumstances, true independence is an internal independence. True independence means, for example, letting go of one's victim role and blame that ties the person to people and events in the past. True inner independence leads to increased health, functionality and satisfaction. But the striving for external independence from other people and from the world leads to a limitation of life with increased fixation and need for control.

Creativity and the ability to solve problems or combine natural and cultural elements in new and non-conventional ways. Creation. Creative people are often impatient with routine and thus have difficulty with social adaptation and mechanical learning, hence why the correlation between creativity and school grades is zero (or may even lead to poor grades). The non-conventionality of creative people causes them to step outside of the prevailing value systems.

A lack of interest or lack of need to adapt to social norms, as well as high non-conventionality as a result of prefered inward values that are not derived from any particular subculture. People who do not adapt to the latest trends but lack non-conventional ideas can be called "socially introverted" and often coincide with "rigid extraversion."

The ability to perceive opportunities in the mind through a process that is mostly unconscious. Imagination and internal picture intensity that the individual orients himself around. Visionary ability. Intuition is a prelude to new ideas: concrete or abstract depending on whether the ideas deal with the physical or the mental. Since this ability is connected with conscious or unconscious experiences in both thought, emotion and action, the terms "gut feeling" or "female trait" are misleading since intuition simply expresses itself differently depending on the individual's primary talent and energy-pattern.

Trivializing self-knowledge (of self and others). To begin to act and govern without full understanding. To manipulate people through partial and ideal-focused advice and fear instead of guiding people towards self-knowledge and a sense of substance (satisfaction) by encouraging people to be what they already are (but are not aware of) in order to reduce feelings of lack, self-deception and pathology.


Shattering insights that come with understanding. Without conveying true understanding, justice remains impossible and ineffective.


Causality; cause and effect. An automatic compensation in order to balance an action. Lack of freedom in actions.


A word from Greek antiquity that means "word, principle, study, research, standard, logic" and originally referred to the formula for the principles of Ultimate Reality. This "sacred word" or Logos has been called different things throughout history and in different cultures, such as "Tetractys," "Religio vera," "God's Word," "God's name," "four elements," "Yin-Yang," "Ishvara", "Trimurti", "Odin-Vili-Vé", etc. In Timeless Education, this word or principle has been formulated as A-Ω-X-Ω.

Choosing interest, appreciation or consideration for that which does not automatically evoke such feelings. Omni-interest supported by non-attachment and creative impartiality. Real love is usually beyond the ability of the ordinary man since what most people call love has not arisen from free will (one's own choice) but is a result of circumstances and one's own inclinations.


Social structure oriented around solidarity with group pressure. Equality and "demands for empathy." Usually left on the political scale and represented, at worst, by paralyzing political correctness or mob rule (repressive majority, mass psychosis).

The principles of Ultimate Reality; study of the timeless cause behind all existential process. The first philosophy and the difficult to understand (esoteric) source of all religion. In order to distinguish original metaphysics from later fantastical speculations, the term "hard metaphysics" is used in Timeless Education since it is based on physical observations.

The manifestation of truth, insight and clarity in the psyche (or part of the psyche) of a deluded or culturally hypnotized individual. Such insight-manifestation can, in turn, give rise to more manifestations such as spontaneous forgiveness or sense of abundance and peace. This also belongs to the category of miracles. To be able to perform miracles, timeless principles must usually be formulated in a competent and flexible manner by a self-actualized individual in direct contact with others.

Usually one's own preferences or temporary and transient cultural contrivances that have become routine (moralism). Real (timeless) morality is what raises awareness and understanding, especially self-knowledge and opposites-transcending awareness – non-dualism. This entails virtues such as authenticity (courage), seeking understanding, receptiveness, presence, omni-interest, etc. Only a person who has achieved free will through correct knowledge can act morally to begin with. Thus morality can not be expected from the majority of people without the right education. "Non-morality" (neither morality nor immorality) is the norm. Immorality is that which actively is working against correct understanding and increases thinking in opposites, but it is doubtful whether someone would actually take immoral action if they truly understand. Hence, "evil" becomes an illusion that is really just ignorance and the lack of free will.

What most people take as morality, but in fact are specific behavioral rules, demands, duties (without understanding), manipulation, selfishness, focus on desires, etc. The tyranny of shoulds. Usually leads to repression and is closer to immorality than true morality.


Love towards the invented, imagined, or desired self-image (ego).

Something's fate, purpose and function in the environment (but never a climacteric purpose or goal in the future). That which makes something what it is intended to be. Nature is what ideologies have the most difficult time accepting since it usually invalidates them if the ideology does not strive for non-dualism, authenticity, omni-interest and impartiality (acceptance with appreciation of friction).

Bio-organic authenticity. The permission of spontaneity and the intelligence inherent in our organism. Attention towards reality and processes rather than on one-sided or invented ideals.

Deluded thinking that controls behavior automatically (often unconsciously) and which in a previous situation may have been valid but has long since ceased to be correct or functional. Unlike psychosis where delusions prevail, a neurotic person often has a view of reality that is partially true and realistic, but is prevented from acting on it because the false and habitual point of view has control over behavior and emotions.

The complement, interaction and relationship of opposites. Non-dualism is best conceptualized as a triad to prevent the misinterpretation that non-dualism is a reduction of opposites or variation to just one concept or thing (for example, that everything is matter or that everything is consciousness). By adding a principle of relationship to opposites instead of reducing one opposite to the other, we discover true unity and balance in our philosophical worldview instead of partiality to one side of a polarity. Due to the broad use of the term "Non-dualism" it is ultimately not a very useful word in any regard.



Comfort in ignorance, laziness in attempts to understand, automatic actions, capitulation to the norms and values of the environment, "selling one's soul" (repressing one's true nature) for the praise of "glory," "honor," duty, or cultural status.

Social structure oriented around an ideal or authority with hierarchies. Tradition, elitism and "demands for ideals." Usually right on the political scale and represented, at worst, by religious oppression and inhuman dictatorships.

A translation and transmission of timeless principles through a personal form of expression that prevents dogmatic rigidity or deterioration of wisdom. Also a preliminary part of science that encompasses a complete overview of all our knowledge in order to form a unified world view; a synthesis of what we know and analysis of what we do not know.

Same as justice. Shattering insights that come with understanding. Without conveying true understanding, punishment is counterproductive. Reality and lack of clarity are often punishment enough, people live lives in quiet desperation.



Self-knowledge and authenticity. Not being disconnected from our actions. The attempt to understand before anything else is done. Transmission of timeless principles. Respect for individuals' ailments and deficiencies. Only a fully developed and self-actualized person can begin to take responsibility, which is impossible without the right education with a focus on self-knowledge. In other words, virtually no one today can take responsibility and no one has "grown up." Those who admit they have a difficult time getting things and their lives in order at least have the virtue of not deceiving themselves as much, and thus do not cause as much suffering in society.

Insight into a reality or truth that has been hidden, even though clues may have existed right in front of your eyes. Also a translation; the person giving others a revelation is a type of translator.


Primarily to give credit for achievements in life to creational causality (giving up imaginary freedom or independence), giving up accusations, going through the trouble of studying and understanding, and giving up one's illusions and vain values in favor of reality (acceptance). Has the same meaning as the term "submission" in religious contexts.

Usually difficult to achieve since people do not know what they really want or need and are in the hands of circumstances. Timeless satisfaction is increased understanding that increases interest-in-everything and presence, a sense of substance from honest self-expressions, healthy food and shelter, knowledge that you have a function and is supporting others, as well as increased receptiveness (experience) in the reduction of your own identity or self-concept.

Measurements, quantification (denote in numbers), parameters, and analysis of phenomena across these parameters that leads to predictability and produces new knowledge within an area of specialization. Parameters transcend subjectivity and authority in favor of every impartial observer's own experiment and confirmation.

Self / The Self
The internal observer; pure consciousness that can not (or should not) be defined by names and symbols since it has historically led to confusion and erroneous interpretations. Universal or Timeless Man. Our real, deepest and most permanent identity, also called the "higher Self" or the "real 'I'."

Self-actualization / Self-realization
Freedom and substance in internal integration, authentic expression, engagement with one's experience, as well as non-attachment and receptiveness without identification – i.e. self-control – as a result of self-knowledge, experiences, interest-in-everything, presence and acceptance of reality.

To miss the target. Loss. The fundamental sin is to yield to the temptation of thinking in opposites (black and white). Sin is something that primarily a liberated and developed person has to struggle with (such as a prophet, guru, spiritual leader) since other people are almost entirely a product of creational causality.

A thought or idea (the same as an angel). An evil or unclean spirit is an erroneous, false, or bad thought/idea.

Essentialness, timelessness, metaphysics. Originally ancient psychology.

Authenticity and naturalness, as well as non-attachment and receptiveness without self-identification (self-control) as a result of self-knowledge, experiences, interest-in-everything, presence and acceptance of reality – attainment of Timeless Man (real self-actualization). Nothing else is success.


The basis of knowledge. Eternal, timeless principles. Consciousness. Connection, contrast (polarity), motion and impermanence. Hard metaphysics; A-Ω-X-Ω. Arithmetic operations; mathematics. The recollection of recurring experiences and patterns. (See Epistemology.)



Primarily naturalness (authenticity), love (interest-in-everything), knowledge (understanding) and wisdom (non-attachment).

Usually something vain, subjective, deluded and partial. The only valuation that has substance with healthy and practical value is mainly Timeless Education with the timeless cause and self-knowledge at the center (increases understanding), and, following that, appreciation or acceptance of everything else (since everything that happens provides experience and often supports you). Self-knowledge also has the greatest political, cultural, artistic, religious, spiritual, philosophical, and scientific value.


Lacking the courage to be oneself, to be dependent on the external world for happiness, or having difficulty going against automatic reactions. (See also Dependence and Will.)

Resisting one's own preferences and inclinations by choosing a different or impartial attitude. What is commonly referred to as "will" is not chosen, merely elicited by the culture, the pressure of circumstances, or one's own nature (non-chosen innate instincts and energies) and thus not free. The will is "free" when the individual is able to stop or change his elicited or compelled will.

Non-attachment. The raising of awareness. Self-knowledge. Authenticity and naturalness. Timeless education.


