A-Ω-X-Ω (primary analysis)

To increase understanding and clarity, Timeless Education make use of the formula A-Ω-X-Ω at the center of its epistemology. A-Ω-X-Ω is a synthesis of all essential knowledge reduced to their common principle or root cause: a formula for all causality; for the highest natural law; or for the only, lasting, "timeless cause." A kind of timeless or permanent configuration behind the apparent reality. It gives us the tools for reaching conclusions about everything without having to leave anything up to imaginations. It, so to speak, forces nature to reveal its secrets.

For my local Swedish audience, the last letter "Ö" is often used instead of Ω, so you may come across the formula written as A-Ö-X-Ö at times. Other ways to write the formula are by mathematical symbols ( + - ∞ = ) or numbers (1-2-3-4/1). This tool is an analogical method and provides us with objective measurements or "timeless parameters."

In other words, A-Ω-X-Ω is a timeless epistemology that makes timelessness into its primary focus. An essentialness-key that focuses on the cause behind effects and attempts to explain everything with simplifying precision. The idea is that behind all rich diversity in nature, there must be an underlying simplicity in design from which all manifestations and differences arise. This fundamental design, the cause behind effects, is presented here as connected polarization or "contrast" that constitutes a cyclical motion in every phenomenon and on every scale among everything that exists. This is something that perhaps is best represented by the phenomena of gravity and electromagnetism.

"A" (alpha) expresses the connectivity; "Ω" (omega) expresses the contrast; "X" (or chi) expresses the eternal cyclical movement, repetition that makes scientific recognition possible; and the second Ω expresses the analogous correspondence of all this on every scale in the universe.

What is the first thing we notice when we look at this formula? It has four letters, but only three of the letters are unique. One word; three different letters (A, Ω, and X); four all in all (A, Ω, X, Ω). Begins with alpha (A) and ends with omega (Ω). This is a model that incorporates both the number 3 and the number 4. When we combine the number 3 with the number 4 we also get the number 7.

   3 + 4 = 7

These three numbers: 3, 4 and 7 go back to antiquity and probably even to the prehistoric world as very important numbers. We have heard that 3 is a magic number. Among religions trinities are often prevalent, and also three wise men, three types of baptism, etc. We have the four classical elements, the "four corners" of the world, four suits in the tarot deck, four Gospels, etc. We have seven days in the week, seven classical planets, God created the world in seven days, seven churches in the Book of Revelation, seven chakra energy points, etc.

What people do not understand is that all these numbers in mythology and spiritual writings stem from the same source. Remember the first principle of A-Ω-X-Ω: everything is connected. Timeless Education aims to explain where all this comes from so that no more false interpretations continue to be spread. A-Ω-X-Ω is a formula that has these three numbers within itself, which we can then unpack into a larger system:

   A Ω X    Ω
   A Ω X Ω    Ω

The number 3
"A Ω X" represents the 3 fundamental forces: two polarities that cause motion. "A" and "Ω" – the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet – expresses both polarity or contrast, as well as them being connected since both are letters. The letter "X", which stands for something unknown, symbolizes the relationship between A and Ω as something that is not understood. When we look at the Yin/Yang symbol, for example, we do not see that it contains three aspects because we only see two: black and white in contrast. We easily forget the third aspect of the symbol: interaction, movement, relationship, the polarity reversal.

Just like the ones and zeros in a computer, a simple programming rule can produce incredible complexity. Polarity reversals are a rhythmic foundation inherent in the universe's construction. The earth reverses its poles about every 700,000 years. The sun flips them every 11 years. Human brain waves oscillate even faster, from one to sixty plus cycles per second. This gives rise to rotation. Much of our devices that generate electricity work the same way. There are many reasons to believe that nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical ideas.

Polarity reversals of opposite energies is the engine of both galaxies, planets, and the spin of atomic particles, just like the energy of jet engine streams. This basic spinning force should also cause weather patterns like hurricanes, tornadoes, and lightning storms. The Zero Point Field, "dark energy" or "dark quanta," should also reverse its charge several billions, if not trillions of times, per second.

"A" can be expressed through the number 1, since connectivity entails unity: everything is linked together and originates from the same fundamental substance or primal energy. "Ω" can be expressed through the number 2, since polarization or contrast of this primal energy gives rise to two things where both is needed to support the existence of other. "X" is thus expressed by the number 3, which is why "X" ends up at the third place in the formula, even though the "X" in practice falls between A and Ω.

   A Ω X    A X Ω
    1 2 3     1 3 2

So regardless of whether we write the triune formula for all motion and fundamental cause as "A Ω X" or "A X Ω" we must remember that the number 3 is analogous to "X" and the number 2 is analogous to "Ω."

For a thing to exist, two things must exist simultaneously: contrast, polarization. But two things can not do much, they can not put things in motion and create phenomena. To give rise to phenomena, a third force is necessary. So all phenomena consist of three dynamic aspects. A thing, an opposite, and something that moves them or movement between them. Contrast and cyclical motion. Circulation, or cycles, arise because the movement between two things always gives rise to a rotating pattern or "recycling." So one includes two, and two include three.

These three aspects can also not have arisen in succession, they must always have existed simultaneously. In other words, they must be eternal and thus timeless aspects or principles of the world and of reality. So this is what I mean by "configuration"; what I mean by the timelessness and essentialness of "A-Ω-X-Ω."

The number 4
The second "Ω" expresses the reflection or repetition of this triune root cause, or simply analogy of "A Ω X" in every new dimension and state. So you can say that the second Ω contains the entire "A Ω X Ω" formula in itself, and thus is expressed by the number 4. The number 4 is also analogous to the number 1 or "A" since the sequence starts over again.

   A    Ω    X
   1    2    3

The reason that the symbol is another "Ω" and not the same symbol as "A" or a new symbol is because when the sequence starts over again, the first principle is inverse or polarized in its contrast with the former. Conversion or formation of a new state requires polarization in order to generate force.

It is important to understand here that "A Ω X" which represents the number 3, and "A Ω X Ω" which represents the number 4 are separate parts.
The number 3 represents the immaterial or permanent; the Creator and the core of the soul in ancient symbolism.
The number 4 represents the material, manifested or transient; the psyche, the world and man in ancient symbolism.

The number 7
The Creator; the number 3, is reflected in the world and in man. That is, in the number 4. However, these two principles must still be understood separately. When we separate them and then connect them together, we get the number 7. Note, however, that this sequence with seven principles is different and separate from the sequence process that constitutes the world through the tetrad's reproduction of itself which can seemingly go on indefinitely, like this:


The tetrad's reproduction of itself leads us to other important ancient numbers such as 9 and 12. But the number 7 is different. The number 7 exists in mythology and religion as a reminder of 3 and 4, where these important numbers, the "Creator" and the "creation", are lined up with the Creator at the top and then the creation below. So the numbers 3, 4 and 7 recur in ancient myths as organizational numbers in order to be remembered.

   A    1
   Ω    2
   X    3
   A    4
   Ω    5
   X    6
   Ω    7

Sometimes five classical elements are described instead of four. The fifth element, ether, is a symbol of the Divine or the Creator, where the Creator's three principles are joined together into a single principle as a simplification. After all, the three fundamental principles can not be separated or have a hierarchy.

 Ether (A-Ω-X)

 Fire      (A)
 Water   (Ω)
 Air         (X)
 Earth    (Ω)

So these four ideas expressed in three letters, which are then repeated, are the only timeless ideas anyone needs to know about, because with them you can know everything else. Ancient metaphysical and religious systems have done everything they could to preserve the importance of the numbers 3 and 4. But they did not count on people's superstition, incompetence, and proneness towards wild imagination. Which is why virtually no one for centuries, perhaps even for millennia, has really understood what these ancient systems and teachings actually was meant to be about; namely prehistoric science and mathematical formulations to understand ourselves and the world process.

This prehistoric science is relevant and connected to all our psychology, philosophy, religion, numeral systems, and modern science. Thus this is the necessary foundation to understand first, and why A-Ω-X-Ω was a necessary new formulation. Ancient formulations are unusable because they are misconstrued. This is the basis for my analogical method. Analogy is what we must use to understand reality when ordinary language is insufficient. Causality, i.e. cause and effect, is the basis of all science.

For example, people have long argued whether it is nature or culture that is the cause of man's problems. Since people tend to view nature and culture as antagonistic opposites, it is appropriate that we use the letter "X" as a symbol of the relationship most people fail to perceive. It is in the X factor that our attention and education must lie. Anyone can see that the world is made up of contrasts, i.e. polarities. But most people call these contrasts and polarities "opposites" – goodness in conflict with evil, and so on. What most people do not see, and what they should see, is that opposites are always related and connected. There is an intimate relationship between nature and culture:

 A - cause (nature)
 Ω - result (culture)
 X - connection, or the inseperability, between nature and culture
    Ω - cause (culture)
    A - result (nature)
    X - connection between nature and culture
       A - cause (nature), etc.

This is, as you can see, strongly rooted in the law of cause and effect; that every force or action immediately gives rise to an opposite response in equal proportion. What was nature became culture, and this culture then influenced human nature, which influenced culture, and so forth. We simply exist in a circular pattern, a repetition that goes on without beginning or end.

There is a tremendous strength and accuracy in this formula. Someone who is a dualist is not entitled to discuss relations, because relationship only have meaning in a system with at least three terms. If we say that A is goodness and Ω is evil, then what is X? Or is there no relation between good and evil? How then can they influence each other? They must forever be separate and can not influence each other or move without a third principle. The word "order" has only meaning in a system with four terms. Dualism should dismiss order as a meaningless word. When we learn to associate the meaning of certain keywords with the right kind of system, philosophical thinking loses much of its errors.

With a tool like A-Ω-X-Ω we can understand things like this straight away. We have timeless measurements and parameters that calculates these things for us, so that we do not have to waste time debating useless opinions. We find this natural-law-bound tendency no matter what area or what scale we choose to look at.

The origin of the numeral system
Those who are attentive have probably noticed that nine universal qualities are common among ancient systems, and that our own numeral system also consists of precisely nine digits (and the zero). Is there a connection between these ancient systems and our own numeral system? The answer is yes. My system is actually based on the same concept as the origin of the numeral system. As part of timeless education it is not only necessary to know our digits, but also how and why we happen to have the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and not more.

According to Pythagoras, everything is numbers. Ancient languages such as Hebrew were based on numeral systems and geometry hidden in the language. Even music is based on numbers. The 10-base numeral system is not an invention but a discovery.

The number 9 arises from the fact that all the numbers in their evolution reproduce the first four, and when these recurring numbers are arranged in three columns, we reach nine numbers where not only the number 4 reflects the number 1, but the number 5 reflects the number 2, the number 6 reflects the number 3, etc.

   1    2    3          A    Ω    X
   4    5    6          Ω    A    X
   7    8    9          A    Ω    X

The evolution of the numbers then goes on to 10, 11, 12, etc, but these are merely a reflection of the first three numbers in a new world, manifestation, or level. With number reduction, 1 + 0, 1 + 1, 1 + 2, etc, 10, 11, 12 are again reduced to 1, 2 and 3.

 10 (1+0) = 1
 11 (1+1) = 2
 12 (1+2) = 3

Thus everything is summarized through three worlds or octaves consisting of only four recurring numbers arranged in three columns, since the fourth number is just a repeat of the first, but inverted. Also remember what I mentioned earlier, that the mediating numbers, represented by X in the formula, in practice fall in between the numbers represented by A and Ω.

0: Earlier world, source
   Higher world (+)
   Median world (∞)
   Lower world (-)
10: Later world, cover

The worlds here are distinct classes of phenomena divided into planes or levels that summarize every complete being or thing, similar to what we today call fractals. The whole process can be likened to a tree where each new branch and also the nerve structure of each leaf repeats and reflects the basic pattern of the tree. Hence why ancient systems called the numeral system the "world tree." All diversity can be dissolved into the fundamental laws that governs it and expresses itself in the numbers 1 to 10 in the above manner. Every thing in the universe contains in one of its constituent parts a fully reflected world.

Thus we find three dimensions of polarities in each complete phenomenon: the polarity of a sphere as well as polarities between spheres. And this is a miniature picture of the universe expressed in numbers.

Organizational numbers in Timeless Education
In Timeless Education, these different organizational numbers, unpacked from the A-Ω-X-Ω formula, are used for essential psychological and philosophical aspects such as evaluation, analysis of phenomena, and self-knowledge in service of personal and societal sanity.

The number 3, for example, is reflected in Timeless Man, the timeless cause, and fundamental phenomenon (and can also be symbolized by the number 0 or 1). The number 4 is reflected in creational causality, in the analogical method, and of course in A-Ω-X-Ω. The number 5 is reflected in the five main aspects of human beings that needs attention and our awareness. The number 6 is used to organize the important dimensions of self-knowledge. The number 7 is reflected in the Evaluation Compass' levels of awareness. The number 9 is reflected in the primary energies of Bias Psychology that give rise to character phenomena and human types in the "organism of humanity." Also the number 12, representing a repetition of the number 4 in three stages in a cyclic and repeating process of causality for each individual who has not reached Timeless Man, is preserved and can be employed in the education.