In following the problem of conflicts, suffering and human dysfunctionality (or "evil" if you prefer), I often track such phenomena back to that principle of Ultimate Reality or Timelessness I refer to as "Partiality" or "Polarity" ("+" and "-" inherent in reality, necessary for motion). People following Timeless Education might be most familiar with this concept through the idea of partial or polarized human types in Bias psychology. However, partiality as a root cause of human conflicts and problems involves a lot more than a difference in various human types clashing with each other.
A huge part of human partiality or bias is also that reality I refer to as "Masked Man" (or Cultural/Hypnotized Man) that involves rigid habits and unquestioned assumptions conditioned by the environment or by a subculture. Thus partiality entails both a conflict between different types and a conflict between different cultures or conditionings, as well as the conflict between a type expressing more of his or her nature and a person mostly expressing or embodying the habits of a culture or idea. Another aspect of partiality is that which involves different, conflicting states of consciousness. There are some traits that tend to be universal to lower consciousness, regardless of psychological type or environment, such as being drawn to mockery and the surface of things when engaged in conflict, as well as giving up reason, fairness and personal responsibility in order to retain social order, safety and familiarity.
These are the partiality of the external analyzed in conflict or problems. There is also the internal partiality or polarizations within the individual going on at the same time. The confusion whether one is primarily a mind or primarily a body, and a partiality towards the one or the other without a proper unity, constitutes one such polarity. Whether one is partial towards one's own internal preferences or towards the expectations of the external environment is another factor. A third kind of polarity exists between 3 different energies or psychosis-hylomorphisms in one's energy-configuration, along with a polarity within each energy individually where the auxiliary energies may be partial and assist in the expression of a particular side of this energy.
Finally, there is one more polarization to consider, which is that of consciousness and unconsciousness; of attentive discernment or lazy mental habits. To say that one can be partial towards either consciousness or unconsciousness is only partly accurate, however, since a lot of the time people are kept unconscious through circumstance by no fault of their own, and don't know the taste of true conscious experience. But there still remains an element of consciousness that people should be able to have more of a choice in, even without the right teaching, when a person encounters the friction between different systems of belief and can, almost every day, witness the clash of cultures and ideologies. When such friction is present, especially in young people, one would expect a desire for discernment and truth to arise in their consciousness (in order to solve problems). This is, after all, the "alarm clock" of reality.
However, it seems that this is where personal preference (such as expectations, sense of loyalty or identity, psychological "type" or socio-economic circumstance) kicks in and partializes the desire for discernment and truth into a disingenuous or deceptive focus of attention and manipulation. Because of this it is important to remember that the problem or issue of "partiality" involves a somewhat complex interplay of circumstance, history, conditioning, cultural temptations, physical health, psychosis-hylomorphism (psychological type), and level of consciousness. This is why I have categorized self-knowledge (or the complete range of the essential understanding of partiality) into the following categories (excluding the "impartial" Timeless Man) : "Unfree Man," "Masked Man," "Biological Man," "Polarized Man" (a.k.a. "Natural Man") and "Temporary Man."
Partiality, in its expression, not only desires to fight against an "opposite" but more generally to simply convert others to itself. A big part of partiality involves the projected belief that everyone (or at least the majority) would enjoy or benefit from its preferences and in fact does not really believe that people or circumstances make up a big difference. This is where partiality disguised as "good intentions" come into the picture. And whenever supposed differences are pointed out they tend to be mostly directed towards something like biological or social determinism rather than level of consciousness.
Forcing people into one or another kind of partiality tends to be people's idea of unity, utopia and development. But it is a false unity ultimately enforced through repression, propaganda, ridicule, threats, superficiality, self-abandonment, and limiting the dissemination of information and freedom of expression to maintain a minimal amount of questioning. In other words, maintaining a low level of awareness or pushing it down. This is how we know that partiality is an aspect of lower consciousness, and that the stronger the partiality or bias the lower the consciousness. Furthermore, partiality (because it was not consciously chosen) cannot be said to have true agency or creativity.
If follows then that the more impartiality (or Non-Attachment) a person cultivates, the higher the possibility of consciousness (and "Omni-Appreciation") as well as agency and creativity. Therefore the development we are aiming for with Timeless Education must not be confused with just one more form of the usual blind partiality, even though it can be thought of as a higher form of partiality properly organized in relation to the whole. It is the study of how things function in connection, how to prevent dysfunctionality, and make the beneficial case for conscious impartiality – including the surprising rewards, self-discovery and satisfaction this results in and which the partial mind is futilely seeking and striving for in specific, limiting and temporal conditions.
But we must not forget to retain a certain appreciation for the natural partiality our bioenergetic dimension possesses, otherwise we are still not truly impartial and objective. Partiality in nature fulfills a necessary and functional role, especially when it goes along with consciousness. But conditioned, provoked or unconscious partiality in complex life-forms such as human beings leads to dysfunctionality and suffering. With everything ultimately being partial (as a necessary component of the configuration of reality) the final polarity ends in consciousness and unconsciousness; or source and its effect. Do you want to understand the source and be closer to it in action, or just be another one of its accidental effects?