On this page you will find a glossary of the new terms and concepts that are central to Timeless Education, a list that can also act as a brief reminder of the system.
For an overview or summary of Timeless Education there's an article available here: http://timeless-education.blogspot.se/p/summary-of-timeless-education.html
A shorter overview or version of the summary that was presented on Youtube can also be read here: http://timeless-education.blogspot.se/2018/03/summary-of-concepts.html
My wish is to bring people's intelligence, information and thinking up to a level where we through conversation and exchange of ideas can solve or confirm some of the still evasive mysteries while at the same time improving our human culture. But we can not do this until we have begun to speak the same language and taken part of the same essential knowledge and information.
The knowledge or awareness I want to convey can be divided into a few concepts, principles, and aspects that follow below. My goal has been to bring these down to as few as possible to make the teaching faster, more efficient, and easier to explain, transmit, and remember. My goal is not only to transmit, but to inspire and teach others how to best convey the knowledge so that it is transmitted and kept alive by as many people as possible. But some of the terms might be modified in the future.
Timeless Education
The name I have chosen for my insights and knowledge of an essential nature, as well as the collective name of my transmission work. A complete philosophical system that aims to explain everything of relevance, and especially to make suggestions for improved culture and education. Focuses on how things are connected. In the beginning, I thought of names such as "Selection for Societal Sanity," "Essentialness for Societal Sanity," or "Essential Education." I replaced the word Essential with Timeless when I was almost finished with the first book, since I think it is more likely to catch people's attention. I chose the term "education" since I hope it will inspire people to use my essentialness for societal sanity as an addition – or perhaps even as a replacement – for the manipulative, outdated, irrelevant and false education we mainly have today. The school is, after all, the best way we have for conveying reason to society at large, both in the teaching of educators and students.
The central formula and tool in my epistemology or timeless education. A synthesis of all essential knowledge reduced to their common principle or root cause: a formula for all causality, for the highest natural law, or for reality itself. The timeless configuration of reality. For my local Swedish audience, the last letter "Ö" is often used instead of Ω, so you may come across the formula written as A-Ö-X-Ö at times. Other ways to write the formula are by mathematical symbols (+ - ∞ =) or numbers (1-2-3-4/1). This tool is an analogical method and provides us with objective measurements or "timeless parameters."
Analogical method
The most effective philosophical principle for understanding what we do not comprehend. By understanding a particular phenomenon, we can use this knowledge to solve the mystery of other phenomena. Everything emanates from the same source, whether we speak of energy in the universe or insightful ideas in human culture. The same laws or principles govern in harmonious, corresponding patterns in every complete phenomenon or scale in the universe. The growth of our intellect and awareness consists in the widening of the capacity for finding analogies and to perceive how everything is connected. Analogical method is, for example, used in Timeless Education to approximate the right interpretation of both ancient philosophy and religions to
determine how true they originally were and what ideas are still useful. Analogical method is also useful for retaining knowledge in memory.
Timeless man
Our deepest, innermost, "highest" and most permanent (truest) existence – also called "the internal witness" or "universal man" – that can not be defined, and is admitted as invisibility or close to nothingness (receptive vessel). Only timeless man or the inner witness is capable of true free will by chosing a stance of impartiality, neutrality, and curiousness regarding what happens in the lower mental and external physical aspects and events of life. Only timeless man is what is common among all people and we find our way back to this self-insight through deeper self-experience and knowledge.
Temporary man
Our temporary center of gravity in regards to our self-concept, identification and attitude to life before we've achieved Timeless man. Can also be said to include everything except for the inner witness – i.e. that which is constantly changing (such as our physical body, our emotions, and our thoughts).
Natural man
People's psychological spheres and energy patterns or "psychosis-hylomorphisms" that give them characteristic traits. Is analyzed in Bias psychology and also called "partial," "polarized" or "pre-programmed" (wired) man.
Bias Psychology
The name of the typology employed in Timeless Education for analyzing human nature. Bias psychology is part of a larger psychological model that aims to improve the already existing psychological models. Other important parts are Timeless man and the levels of consciousness in the Wisdom or Evaluation Compass.
A terminology for our partial individual nature or "programming" that we are born with and is the hidden cause behind culture. Also sometimes called "energy patterns," "character phenomena," "instincts," "soul tropisms," or simply "bias." Usually, this is what people call "will" and thus constitutes the basic problem in society along with ignorance, cultural routine and accidents. They constitute our specializations or functions in the organism of humanity which must be understood and admitted as a reality. Despite the deeper struggle being between timeless man (objective clarity) and psychosis-hylomorphisms (bias), they must be accepted and become useful through knowledge, not be demonized.
A term for "Wisdom Types" that have their center of gravity in the life-energy's reflection of the mind (is more or less the intellect). Analogous to the brain's cortex. This sphere manages ideas, concepts and knowledge in the culture and is comprised
of the following psychosis-hylomorphisms: Fiduciam, Magnitudinem, Abstractum.
A term for "Love Types" that have their center of gravity in the localization of the life energy (is more or less the emotional life). Analogous to the limbic system. This sphere manages social intelligence, affection and entertainment in the culture and is comprised of the following psychosis-hylomorphisms: Misericordia, Urbanum, Libidinem.
A term for "Custom Types" that have their center of gravity in the life-energy's reflection of the body (is more or less the vital force). Analogous to the brainstem. This sphere manages physical, mundane and concrete activities in the culture and consists of the following psychosis-hylomorphisms: Meritum, Corpus, Exitium.
Energy Configuration
A term for an individual's three primary psychosis-hylomorphisms that give rise to a recognizable character or "human type." Our psychosis-hylomorphisms or soul configuration. The psychosis-hylomorphism in each sphere has its own special need of acceptance for complete self-knowledge and self-mastery. Generally speaking, health is about understanding (obtaining the right knowledge), reducing partiality and becoming more receptive to experience through essential principles (higher knowledge), becoming socially competent by giving up limiting independence (avoidances) and demands (dependencies) through the aforementioned receptivity and insight into the reality of reciprocal maintenance and personal function within the species (through knowledge), as well as practicing liberating and honest self-expressions in order to feel and experience oneself more substantial and real. Correct knowledge and understanding thus solves most problems automatically, but also a certain practice (and courage) is necessary.
The result of imitation, psychosis-hylomorphisms (human nature) and accidents. Is automatic and causes adoptation and imitation. Adoptation (acquisition) and imitation is also its essence. The opposite of real education that aims to be attentive, intentional and evaluative (questioning). Today's education consists almost entirely of culture (routine imitation) instead of what education is meant to be. Culture has the sole virtue of providing people with a common language, something that requires a certain measure of imitation.
The result of timeless man if it is genuine and essential. Is in its ideal and basic concept the opposite of culture. Is in its essence attentive, intentional and evaluative (questioning) instead of common cultural hypnosis, indoctrination or "brainwashing" that is the norm for education. Nothing but an evaluation compass is education. Real education is easily lost through accidents and human bias, imagination, ineptitude and incompetence.
Masked man
That which is not genuine in a human being and makes it difficult to perceive our true nature. The result of upbringing, culture and the environment. Can also be called "hypnotized man."
Creational causality
A term Timeless Education employs to replace the materialistic concept of determinism and is also called "Cause-creating causality." Includes people's "programmed" inner nature in addition to determinism's emphasis on external environmental influence, focusing more on randomness and accidental events (circumstances) rather than things being "predetermined." Is closely associated with the timeless configuration of reality that govern things beyond what people can influence and thus should understand and accept. Encourages curiosity regarding "what's going to happen" (experience, surprise) instead of struggling in an impossible direction (reduction of life and of experiences). Assumes that people work with things and ideas they come into contact with and mediate these along their own individual nature and experience rather than give rise to something new or truly original. Rather, originality is the result of unique events and circumstances. Only Timeless man can overcome creational causality and bring about change or make deliberate constructive work (become one's own "causal-source") to the extent possible.
Freeless man
A basic aspect of self-knowledge; awareness of the immense limit of free will and that circumstances (creational causality) primarily has governed our choices. Can also be called "medium man" since things mostly happen through people, not by them.
Biological man
A term for the physical human body and its organs.
Evaluation Compass
A seven-step evaluation system employed in Timeless Education to evaluate ideologies, philosophy, science, art, religion, spirituality, education, and other societal phenomena (culture). Is based on how much a thing or phenomenon expresses or transmits clarity and awareness according to timeless parameters that are universal.
Blindness Consciousness
Level 7, or the lowest level in the evaluation compass. An expression of pathology and wrong direction. Increases ignorance.
Routine Consciousness
Level 6, or the second lowest level in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to the mentality of Custom Types who have not developed themselves (but also Love and Wisdom Types can have this mentality). Represents, among other things, the inertia of the status quo. Also called "Imitation Consciousness."
Charm Consciousness
Level 5 in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to the mentality of Love Types who have not developed themselves. Represents, among other things, the affectation and frivolousness of much of our social entertainment. Also called "Fascination" or "Falling in love" Consciousness.
Skeptic Consciousness
Level 4 in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to the mentality of Wisdom Types who have not developed themselves. Represents, among other things, the escape from reality and imaginative tendency of many conspiracy theorists and idealists. Also called "Information Consciousness."
Disillusion Consciousness
Level 3 in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to a person with great self-questioning and good possibilities for development, usually due to lucky circumstances. Represents a certain liberation from worldly and cultural things.
Wakeful Consciousness
Level 2 in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to a person who has participated in the right knowledge and insights, usually thanks to a particular intermediary or a good guiding influence, but has yet to fully master it. Truly great art should at least reach this level. Also called "Possibility Consciousness."
Timelessness Consciousness
Level 1, or the highest level in the evaluation compass. Corresponds to a self-realized or liberated person with true clarity who is ready to help or teach others. Timeless man. The aim or intention with Timeless Education. Also called "Timelessness Synchronization" or "Reality Synchronization."
Energy Exchange
Seemingly the ultimate purpose of all existence (including that which causes existence), without which everything stagnates and no movement, variation, life, or thought can occur. Also called "reciprocal maintenance" and is the engine for experiences. Is also, together with understanding and receptive non-identification, what fulfills our deepest needs and gives us timeless satisfaction.
A harmonious unity of patriarchy (ideals, guidance, control), matriarchy (empathy, togetherness, cooperation), and filiarchy (self-governing, freedom, substance).
Eternity Blindness
A term for the lack of insight that there can be no (nor several) climacteric purposes of eternity. A common mistake among spiritual and religious teachings revealing that they are false or have deteriorated over time. Timelessness Consciousness realizes that true meaning and purpose must be timeless in eternity; that is to say, it must be right now and never cease. One of the best methods in timeless education to quickly put thoughts in the right channel regarding essential evaluation of religions, philosophies and ideologies – anything that claims any kind of goal or ultimate purpose.
The Unknown
The limit of our knowledge, what our seeking mind can never reach. The cause behind existence (and hence not existence as we know it), of which A-Ω-X-Ω is merely a symbol or the closest abstract formulation.
Eternal metamorphosis pattern
The mechanism of evolution that gives rise to stable but temporary life-patterns that fills a function within the species or ecosystem. Explains the origin of species and also human types. Pre-established transformation phases or points in both time and space; an eternal pattern that repeats a cycle on every scale in the universe. People's preference for the status quo is also largely a result of this universal law. Cultural mentality and values do not change gradually but through jumps in connection with increased pressure and instability as in quantum physics.
A term for reincarnation that was originally used in Greek philosophy. In Timeless Education it refers not only to the hypothetical recycling of a person's individual information field (metempsychosis), but also to the transformation from one species to another in the eternal metamorphic pattern.
Dark Hyper-Density Light
The most compact (what I previously called "most activated") energy that exceeds the force and wave propagation (velocity) of both light and matter, thus making it invisible (dark, hidden) to scientific instruments, as well as explaining difficult-to-understand phenomena such as the memory in our psyche. The "primordial substance" of everything that exists – from our physical space-time world to our animating vitality and finally our consciousness. Can thus also be called "hyperenergy" or "hyperconsciousness." Unobservable (dark) regions of hyper-density light contains, apart from consciousness, species patterns and the mechanisms of metamorphosis through information fields. Also the information in the genome and the sensitive energy or life force of the organism partly belongs here (the observable merges continuously into the unobservable or "dark"). This hyper-density light fills all void in the universe and explains "dark energy" and gravity (pressure point motion through hyper-density energy absorption), as well as how the electron maintains its spin. Both observable energy (hard light, "matter") and dark energy (phenomena of life, psychological phenomena, other mysteries) partake in an eternal recurrent cycle so nothing is the cause of the other. What regulates everything is formulated through A-Ω-X-Ω.