The theories Timeless Education is based on is the result of the following preliminary philosophical principles:
1. To reduce everything's basic elements until they can no longer be reduced.
2. That everything must be connected in order to be able to affect everything else – causal connection.
3. To seek the cause behind this causal connection and effects.
4. That confirmatory repetition can be viewed as the conclusion's validation by any impartial observer.
Implicit in this is that precision is dependent on reduction before any system or epistemology is constructed, and that systems and epistemologies are a tool for retaining precise knowledge in one's memory. A system is an aid or map, not reality itself and should not be confused with the territory. Understanding must not be confused with mere transmission of the system (imitative habit) or citation of experts (appeal to authority). Understanding entails that you yourself can explain, and the system or words borrowed from "experts" are merely a useful language. But knowledge of language and jargon should not become a substitute for insights that should also be able to be translated and explained in one's own words when the conversation requires it. In fact, conversation itself is necessary to increase one's own understanding of a subject and the best way to transmit it.
Timeless Education is not meant to be specialization (which are the only areas that makes authority legitimate), but to be essential, and therefore public and intended for everyone since individual and cultural health is dependent on people comprehending it. There are things that have been masked with professionalism and elitism and gives the impression that they require specialization to understand, while in fact they are entirely possible and even essential for ordinary people to understand without having to go through experts. It is these things that I and my timeless education are concerned with. Individuals must have access to a tool with which they can understand as much as possible themselves, without merely memorizing or having to rely on common "authorities" with misleading or non-existent merits.
The four basic principles can be expressed by the formula A-Ω-X-Ω:
A - The fundamental element (primal "substance" or primal energy, and also "primordial idea" or principle).
Ω - Every phenomenon or effect's connection to the fundamental element.
X - The root cause behind all motion (force).
Ω - Reflection (echo) of the root cause in each subsequent phenomena and complexity.
These basic principles are meant to be employed not only toward physical things, but above all to ideas, knowledge and values – immaterial things – and is therefore in the realm of metaphysics. But since they fall within the framework of measurement and repeatability they become hard metaphysics and the basis of a science.
"A" and "Ω" stand for both connection and contrast, and because everything is connected, also "X" is the result of contrast; namely movement. The easiest way to imagine it is through the examples of electromagnetism and circular patterns of movement among particles and heavenly bodies. In order for force or motion to exist, at least two elements need to maintain a rotating balance or equilibrium, a kind of "struggle" between "+" and "-" where one thing's upper hand over the other gives rise to a new phenomenon, which in turn can only be stabilized through a new equilibrium or "struggle" between two forces. The result is therefore not smooth transitions but fast transitional phases after a previous balance has been broken. But if there exist no "struggle" there can also be no phenomena.
Thus, everything is "struggle" or Contrast (pressure or balance conditions). But at the same time everything is united and connected in order to be able to have influence on its contrast and cause movement (time, force). Thus dualism is transcended in favor of "trialism" or simply unity. Therefore, due to these principles, Timeless Education can not see a dualism between "existence" and "non-existence" or between particles and empty space (form). What appears to be "void" is in fact another manifestation of particles (energy) that does not appear to be active but still explains the observable effect of this "dark energy" such as gravity.
Something similar can be said about ideas and knowledge. False or erroneous ideas are often distorted or misinterpreted manifestations of more timeless ideas or hard, ancient metaphysics (the original philosophy or "primordial idea"). Thus, ideas and knowledge are connected in similar causal relations and are distorted while being mediated through human beings. A real "primordial idea" or "primal principle" must also be timeless and reachable by a mind that has emptied itself of all ideas except the essential ones with contemplation towards timelessness (once again, reduction). In this way, we build our worldview on a stable foundation, touching solid ground, and can make all forms of cultural ideas or "facts" into the advantage of reason within argumentation, regardless of whether the fact is true or false. For everything must relate to and measure against the timeless "primordial idea" (also known as the principles of Ultimate Reality). If we have a worldview that must constantly orientate itself around, change and adapt to new discoveries and facts, then it is not built on a stable foundation.
The aim of Timeless Education is essential culture that employs these principles together with useful parameters and finally encouragement toward various individual forms of expression for the purpose of transmitting all this, what is called art:
A - Principles (philosophy).
Ω - Parameters (science).
X - Forms of expression (art).
Ω - Essential culture (practice, way of life and attitude).
The theory is that understanding of this knowledge, which transcends human partiality and unconscious habits, will automatically lead to a more sane culture if people are educated in it and comprehend it. Timeless Education is in other words based on objectivity and impartiality, instead of a focus on wishes and cultural hypnosis that lead to a recurrence of problems.
"Struggle" or Contrast is thus isolated as the fundamental cause of all human problems and is in Timeless Education called "partiality" (bias) with the conclusion that humans are by nature's fundamental laws polarized in a kind of "+" and "-" in both their preferences and consciousness in order to not remain immobile since nothing in nature stands still. As a solution to this fundamental problem behind all other problems, Timeless Education suggests impartiality and discernment of consciousness as the solution. But impartiality and discernment of consciousness is impossible without understanding the situation and ourselves so that we can find meaning, purpose and satisfaction with reality.
This problem, which is fundamentally a psychological problem, must therefore inevitably be solved through philosophical analysis of what the human being is and what gives meaning and purpose to human life. United in this thus emerges a religious or spiritual level (meaning and purpose), a psychological level (health and capacity for self-control), a social level (relation to polarities within the "organism" of the human species), an economic level (basic survival and communal organization), as well as the primary level which is education for conveying and remembering all this.
The entire method for improving the health of individuals and solving societal problems is education as a new "causal source" instead of the "reaction-based" schooling or politics we've had so far. In other words, Timeless Education would be the first modern education that actually acts (based on impartial insight and understanding) instead of just reacting (based on problems, habits and partial focus on wishes).
The fundamental cause of problems can thus be summarized as follows:
1. Partiality (or "partial love") and cultural habits (low consciousness) are the roots of conflict, suffering, counterproductive striving, slavery, hatred, etc.
2. Partiality and habits both causes and supports ignorance (partial/habitual interests, partial slant, partial rationalization).
3. Ignorance gives rise to delusions, fears, feelings of lack, feelings of emptiness, feelings of being imprisoned, dissatisfaction, wrong solutions.
The solution to problems can be summarized as follows:
1. Objective knowledge (and conscious attention) provides impartial insight and understanding of reality and the cause of problems.
2. Objective knowledge both causes and supports an impartial attitude with more authenticity, purpose, openness and acceptance.
3. An impartial and receptive (involved) attitude gives rise to a sense of fulfillment, interest, love, gratitude, freedom, meaning, wisdom.
Objective knowledge must in turn be based on timeless parameters that provide insight into real freedom, purpose, meaning, and satisfaction with the aim of building the psychology of the human being on a stable foundation. These parameters analyze the psychological aspects and partiality of human beings as subject to laws and based on functions and purpose instead of being chaotic and random. Even though partiality entails a "struggle" there is a purpose behind this struggle: namely motion that give rise to phenomena that are necessary for life. Experience would not exist without life; life would not exist without movement; and movement would not exist without the friction between at least two opposites that make up a contrast.
What is experienced as "struggle" or undesirable opposites are in fact necessary complements in a law-governed system of reciprocal maintenance. People are fully capable of appreciating this governing law by reflecting on it, analyzing the world, analyzing themselves, and attempt to put themselves in other people's shoes. The truth, if it does not kill our partiality, at least calms it down. Our energies are always running with our partiality as fuel, but we'll neither take them nor the partiality of others as seriously and instead perform our varied functions in the organism of humanity much more efficiently.
The recognition and study of our partiality and ignorance is thus an important part of Timeless Education, and is part of cultural evaluation and self-knowledge. It is both an eternal ongoing teaching and an eternal quest for the perfect method of transmitting insights due to the constant change and distortion of terms and language. Since there is no beginning or end (only eternal cycles), concepts such as "purpose" and "goal" are oriented around timeless and ever-present functions instead of climactic purposes or end destinations.
The theory of these timeless purposes, based on what can be observed, are as follows:
A - Reality (Mother Nature, the Creator) has as its purpose to cause existence and life (experience).
Ω - Polarized nature (partiality) has as its purpose to support existence, the species and stimulate experience.
X - Timeless man (impartiality) has as its purpose to experience (receive the experience), to witness and to appreciate.
Ω - Culture (knowledge) has as its purpose to provide a common language, to pass this on, and to teach impartiality.
Any other ideas about meaning and purpose are illogical, inconsistent, overly complicated, or limited in time. We know that species and plants support and cooperate with each other in the ecosystem, and this entails a concrete meaning behind words like "meaning" and "purpose" without ideas about unrealistic ideals or a sense of universal meaninglessness. But these specific functions and purposes are also connected and can be summed up in the idea of "reciprocal maintenance" and "experience" that leads to a sense of substance.
Every living thing must thus possess an aspect that experiences (consciousness, impartiality), as well as one or more aspects that causes experiences (partiality, habit, energy, "+" or "-" in struggle with something else).
The basis of these theories is the result of seeking and trying to understand the basic principles from which all our culture's science and philosophy derived. The need came from my realization that these were possible for anyone to learn, as well as the growing awareness that too many "experts" are constantly making mistakes through partiality, cultural habits, incompetence and arrogance. The expert's arguments must be consistent with and follow what we know is true. We must first know something to be able to understand something we do not know – a starting point. One of these starting points is the obvious observation of movement and cycles in nature. Apart from consistency, the expert must also show that he or she understands the sources of their knowledge, of their religion, or the fundamental principles of science (regardless of whether they agree with them or not), and people would find it frightening if they realized how often experts actually misunderstand, misinterpret or merely understand bits and pieces of their sources of knowledge. The sources must of course also be criticized when they fail to be sufficiently clear in their forms of expression, etc.
The principles are thus based on wholistic logic; on synthesis of what we know and analysis of what we do not know. This is true philosophy and its intended purpose.
The parameters are tools which are the results of the principles. They transcend subjectivity and authority for the benefit of any impartial observer's own experimentation and affirmation. This is true science and its intended purpose.
Forms of expression are attempts to represent and communicate the resulting knowledge and insights through individual expression that confirms how much they themselves understand or not, and whether or not they can transmit it. Transmission sometimes requires experience and not just facts or logic. Artworks of various kinds can replace or emulate various experiences in a focused and deliberate manner in order to convey a certain truth or effect that is difficult or impossible to convey otherwise. This is true art and its intended purpose.
Essential culture is a living attitude and behavior along what is true and real and mostly conscious rather than what is partial and imagination and mostly habitual. Essential cultural is above all dependent on the experience of the impartial mind and practice of timeless man (timelessness-synchronization and self-knowledge that leads to real will and self-control) instead of partiality, mental habits and focus on wishes (lack of will and lack of freedom) that only maintains the status quo and worse. But this also requires the application of some kind of evaluation-compass in order to maintain this timeless ideal or guide in the culture. The evaluation-compass is the result of the aforementioned principles, parameters, and artworks (the latter is used as examples).