Concepts such as "development," "improvement," "self-realization," "success," "direction," etc, have no meaning without a standard or yardstick to relate the terms with. We need parameters for development and self-realization to orient ourselves around in the form of a compass for wisdom. These parameters are described on this page so that people can begin to employ them.
The parameters are supported by hard metaphysics: timeless principles that transcend human partiality similar to arithmetical operations (equations) and provides us with stable ground like in mathematics, instead of the usual mediocre ways of thinking, or deluded partial and linear goal-logic that leads to frustration and disappointment.
The problem is that people can not take responsibility for themselves, their lives, society, or even really know what they want (need). Not without education in self-knowledge. Without knowing what they themselves are, without overcoming their imaginations about themselves and the world, it is impossible to take responsibility. If anyone thinks so it's a lie. We can even witness that the so-called "competent" and "conscientious" (hard working) people with "high IQ" who are "successful" and govern society do not know how to take responsibility. Rather, they have steered society towards an unsustainable and catastrophic direction.
In order to be able to act and take responsibility for real, knowledge is required. Otherwise people can not do anything. Our current education does not provide people with correct or essential knowledge (self-knowledge), thus no one can take responsibility. Understanding why people can not take responsibility without correct knowledge requires, in itself, correct knowledge and is part of self-knowledge: why the focus must shift from bias, false identification, irrelevance/ignorance and ambiguity/obscurity to impartiality, awareness of purpose, relevance/knowledge and focus on clarity of transmission.
Timeless Education with its Wisdom Compass is needed because we need a synthesis that simplifies our knowledge and puts our focus into the right channels. The education and culture we currently have is problematic in its enormous quantity. This huge quantity supports the division between people in their attitudes towards life rather than uniting them. Correct education is a valuation compass. Only an impartial logic can be a reliable authority.
The Wisdom compass is also a bit of a summary or overview (synthesis) of the entire system in Timeless Education, while providing new life to the ancient organizational number 7 (3 + 4) that we still use to divide the days of our week and as octaves in the creation of music.
1. A (The timeless cause, timeless principles, "Timeless man")
2. Ω ("Temporary man", Wandering shapes)
3. X ("Freeless man")
1. Ω [A-X-Ω] ("Natural man", Sapientiam-types)
2. A [Ω-X-A] ("Natural man", Gratum-types)
3. X [A-X-Ω] ("Natural man", Morem-types)
4. A ("Biological man", "Masked man")
= (The number 7)
The actual evaluation compass consists of what we may call levels of consciousness or levels of awareness and can be summarized as follows:
(Level 1) Timeless Consciousness – clarity, permanent, transcendence of opposites, non-attached, wise, authentic.
(Level 2) Wakeful Consciousness – training in right education, concentration, sacrifice.
(Level 3) Disillusion Consciousness – resignation, receptivity, normal (childhood state).
(Level 4) Skeptic Consciousness – construction of ideas, escapism, distractive goals.
(Level 5) Charm Consciousness – attraction, strong hypnosis, self-abandoning adaptation, reactive, unnatural.
(Level 6) Routine Consciousness – rigidity, strong materiality, superficial pedanticism, non-philosophical.
(Level 7) Blindness Consciousness – blind, short-lived, suffocating, foolish, opposes wisdom.
These levels, in turn, give rise to a temporary attitude, center of gravity or "nature" that can be called by the following names:
(Level 1) Timeless nature – the "Divine nature" of the ancients.
(Level 2) Attentive nature – the "Man's nature" of the ancients.
(Level 3) Receptive nature – the "Woman's nature" of the ancients.
(Level 4) Idea nature – the "Bird nature" of the ancients.
(Level 5) Reactive nature – the "Mammalian nature" of the ancients.
(Level 6) Locked nature – the "Reptilian nature" of the ancients.
(Level 7) Blind nature – the "Marine animal nature," "Deep sea nature," or "Leviathan nature" of the ancients.
We must not forget that our rating categories are based on clarity of sight in regards to objective facts or calculated and experienced knowledge so that the levels are equal to intensity of understanding. Clear insight and understanding at the top (1), obscured vision and great misleading delusion at the bottom (7). We can describe it metaphorically as going from light to darkness. Increase the light and the phantom shadows will disappear – the imaginary threats. Apart from intensity of insight, Level 1 also constitutes trained self-control (primarily in attitude), but this too finds its greatest support or foundation in understanding.
The Wisdom Compass
The Wisdom or Evaluation Compass compares people, ideas, works, and other cultural phenomena along how close they are to Timeless man with its reality-synchronization and ultimate self-awareness. Observations on nature (such as type, energy pattern), culture (i.e. imitation, analogy), and level of consciousness usually follows, especially if the individual or phenomenon is not comparable with Timeless man.
Note that people often shift between the levels, especially the lower ones, and that the descriptions of the levels are merely approximations intended as useful support and illustration. The aim is experience and intuition to provide the right guidance to people, not judgments and categorization (although the latter may be useful as an exercise on the path or for drawing attention to the education).
Level of awareness 1: Timeless Consciousness
[Analogous with timeless principles (knowledge, A-Ω-X-Ω), the timeless cause (A-X-Ω), clarity of vision]
Timeless man. Transformed. The self-realized model and guide for others. The master.
Non-dualism (self-control). Non-attachment (impartiality and detachment). Non-avoidance (courage / omni-interest / love). Non-identification (permanence). Conscious embodiment (responsive responsibility). Gives credit for achievements to creational causality. Has given up impossible external independence and accusations. Developed internal independence and capacity for forgiveness. Aware of energy exchange and reciprocal maintenance (the connection of everything). Both an increase in sensitivity (considerate of others) and an increase in desensitization/indifference in regards to other people's attitudes. True understanding. True will. True love. True peace. Sense of abundance without striving. Self-Knowledge. Experience. Authenticity. Naturalness. Flexibility. Flow with reality (also goes with preferences instead of the striving to choose). Self-love without external recognition. Substance. Respect for people's disorders and deficiencies. Causes change by drawing attention to things, often through experiences (not just talk) and do not require change. Both support and frustrate others (is genuine and knows what others need). Contemplates "undesirable" tendencies as something useful. Knowledge of human nature. One's own synthesis. Simplification, precise formulations. Focus on transmission. Useful acquisition. Also non-definition despite systems, tools and culture as support.
Understanding. Choses impartial or different attitude instead of automatic reactions. Forgiveness (cessation of blame) is possible when we understand that people are stuck in determinism without the right knowledge. A "musical" and playful mood without goals.
*Direction and aim:
The present. Presence. Orientation towards presence. Natural flow. Available relationships. Not attached. Already reached the goal. Makes everything into riches. To create real art, philosophy, science and religion/spirituality.
*Amount of responsibility taken:
Takes real responsibility through understanding, self-knowledge, experience and embodiment of what we are and do, authenticity, constructive expressions, as well as the transmission of this timeless wisdom.
*Valuation and morality:
The timeless cause as the source of wisdom. Self-awareness. Timeless Education. Everything (as it provides experience and often supports you, as well as constituting a true choice of love). Awareness that transcends opposites (non-dualism). The increase of awareness. Naturalness (screams if pain, depression or anxiety requires it; no avoidance). Knows that people grow naturally like anything else in nature and thus do not order young ones to grow, just as we do not order plants to grow.
A sense of substance from honest self-expression, from awareness, and from the insight that we already are involved in an abundance. Knowledge that you have a function and are supporting others.
*The state and success of self-realization:
True self-realization. Honesty (naturalness) and non-attachment (receptivity) without identification (self-control). Not disconnected from experiences and self-experiences but still impartial and detatched. A creative impartiality that utilizes the available and is perceived as freedom and substance. Timeless satisfaction. True success.
Level of awareness 2: Wakeful Consciousness
[Analogous with sacrifice, education process, to be under true guidance]
Self-sacrifice. Self Training. Attitude Exercises. Authenticity Practice. Contemplation of timeless, essential wisdom. The disciple.
Trying to take in the wisdom of level 1. Process of disciplin. Temporary center of gravity. Trust that timeless education (or true philosophy / spirituality / religion) will lead to transformation. However, still suffers from eternity-blindness. Believes in a climacteric purpose. Still have goals placed in the future. Blockages from having been promised too much or from limiting dogmatism set by guides. Risk of misunderstanding. Risk of hypocrisy and contradictory thinking. Impatient spiritual prophet. Challenge to get beyond attachment, identifications, linear goal-logic, control of self-experience (e.g. fixations on "vibrating correctly" or to give the impression of "holiness/spiritualness"), and dualistic judgments along emotional wounds. The guide they follow might also have made some mistakes and not gone beyond Level 2 themselves.
Trying to go against habits (primarily habits of attitude). Self-discipline (mainly in attempts at understanding, but also in detached observation, courage to be authentic in self-expression, deconditioning from dysfunctional habits and new conditioning into functional habits, etc). The procedures may vary depending on the type of person and circumstances.
*Direction and aim:
To understand. To achieve self-control in attitude (and thus in actions). Aims to reach level 1 and self-realization.
*Amount of responsibility taken:
Begins to be responsible for the first time. The right attempt (mainly the attempt to understand before anything else is done). Begins to sacrifice useless values, attitudes and identifications.
*Valuation and morality:
One's own courage. The guide. Correct education. Self-improvement (through attitude of actuality, attention, and to become aware of one's own nature).
The beginning of a sense of true meaning and right direction.
*The state and success of self-realization:
The beginning of honesty/naturalness and non-attachment/receptivity (self-control). Found a wise guide. Is close to success but not quite there.
Level of awareness 3: Disillusion Consciousness
[Analogous with overwhelming resistance, resignation, self-questioning, memory, childhood state]
Can be naive with active imagination (-) or a seeker with active memory of experiences (+). Naive ignorance or essential experiences as support in memory.
Have lost hope (given up) what they wanted, hoped for, or what the world (culture) promised. Suffering and seeking. Begins to remember. Open to guiding ideas. Also the original basic state; the natural naive child. A person who has not given up completely but is well balanced, honest and relatively purified from the world can therefore be added here. Risk of thirst in the metaphorical "poverty." Fantasies arise easily leading to delusions and desires.
None. Changeable. Remembering/recollection. Constructive (receptive) passivity.
*Direction and aim:
None. Resigned, or takes things day by day as in childhood. Having no goal does not give much nourishment without receptivity and self-realization, easily remains "poor" (lacking substance or stable ground). Attached to one's freedom and ease. Often chronic outsiders who because of constitution does not have much choice. For those who have the opportunity, family and household is alright as direction and aim (though risk of attachment to family).
*Amount of responsibility taken:
None really, but also has no delusions about it. Passivity. The virtue of not doing anything instead of risking unintentional destructiveness.
*Valuation and morality:
None. Neutral. Tired of everything or curious about everything. Neither moral nor immoral.
Neutral. Frustration has often diminished or disappeared with the resignation and reduced striving in the wrong direction.
*The state and success of self-realization:
Neutral, but good basis for the beginning of self-realization. Good opportunities for development (fertile psychology). The state of origin or success in remembered experiences and to have given up most of the struggle against reality (lost hope in terms of the wish fulfillment fixation). Open for something better than that of the lower levels.
Level of awareness 4: Skeptic Consciousness
[Analogous with undeveloped Sapientiam-types (Fiduciam / Magnitudinem / Abstractum) and rampant ideas]
May be in a state struck by difficulties with self-constructed burdens (-) or an intellectual type with the abstract or academic world as an escape from reality (+). Takes the world and one's own situation in life (e.g. career) seriously.
Information and ideas over remembered or experienced experiences. Avoidances through rationalizations. Literal. Complex/complicated. Has a lot of knowledge that can give a clue to higher consciousness or confuse even more. Blends good and bad ideas. Missing the mark. Excessive theorizing and lack of stability. Unnecessary worries (regarding, for example, dominance hierarchies or intellectual integrity and reputation). Hierarchical thinking. Believes that people invent and think up stuff by themselves (thus envies and is impressed by others). Focus on goals that distract from what we are and create unnatural programming. Engaged in producing one's own program instead of awareness. Begins to construct a specific and rigid (limiting) self-concept through ideas, illusions and identifications (often based on occupational role, party politics or religious belief systems) without real knowledge of their own nature. Victim of accidents, discomfort and hypnosis (no mental protection). Escapism. Materialistic science.
Primarily mental activity. Questioning. The formation of theories and ideas. Avoidances.
*Direction and aim:
Innovation. Questioning. Intent to improve the world but is fleeing the world. Cultural immortality within the arts and science (a weak substitute for participation and presence in life). Attached to genius, recognition and intellectual or artistic status.
*Amount of responsibility taken:
None (not capable of it). But their dissemination of information can lead to improvement.
*Valuation and morality:
Ideas. Information. Words. Research. Sarcasm. New/unusual ideals. Novelties. Cultural immortality. Moral of being informed. To break down moral norms and shape new moral ideas.
*The state and success of self-realization:
Weak. Information and skepticism as a basis. Deceptive academic, intellectual, religious or artistic status as a weak substitute.
Level of awareness 5: Charm Consciousness
[Analogous with undeveloped Gratum-types (Misericordia / Urbanum / Libidinem) and group pressure]
May be a reactive accuser who begins to be routinely hostile (-) or a "prostitute" who is selling their own soul for recognition, though often with good intentions (+). Seduced into strong dualistic thinking.
Strong enthusiasm for what attracts subjectively. Strong like and dislike. May cause a lot of problems. Fixation on appearances. Strong identification. Major self-deception. Self-righteous and unquestioned (narcissistic) belief in one's own goodness with the search for applause and other people's adoration. Also or alternatively an accuser and persecutor. Adoption of a victim role. Belief in one's own power (free will). Partial shaper of ideals. The beginning of strong focus on ideals/duty. Demonization of the naturalness of others. "Ubermenschs and sub-humans." Use of language that may be misinterpreted. Words before definition. Imitating and brainwashed. Focus on driving culture into people rather than self-knowledge/authenticity. Strong love of one's acquisitions and the confusion of this with one's being. Loves culture (ideals) more than people and reality.
Emotional. Verbal (noisy). Seduction. Easily seduced. Reactive automatic actions. Dangerous puppet.
*Direction and aim:
One's own justice. Attractiveness. Social adaptation. Friends, audiences, the collective. Attached to relationships. Dependencies. Superficial celebrity (an uncomfortable and empty shadow of a person that's recognized everywhere and a target for gossip). Attached to admiration, what people say, and beauty (attractiveness).
*Amount of responsibility taken:
None (not capable of it). But their protest and bringing attention to injustices can awaken necessary attention, or, alternatively, their focus on being liked can often lead to various forms of charity.
*Valuation and morality:
Attention. Ideals. Cultural values. Trends. Moral of being loving as a duty. To follow new (the latest) cultural norms.
Weak. Constant desires and needs. It often happens that people commit suicide or burn themselves out.
*The state and success of self-realization:
Weak. Superficial and uncomfortable career, celebrity or social status as a weak substitute.
Level of awareness 6: Routine Consciousness
[Analogous with undeveloped morem-types (Meritum / Corpus / Exitium) and extreme physical activity]
May have become a "demon" (metaphorically) warring and destroying in search of the ideal (-) or a plodder who is only concerned with material riches and traditions (+). Fighting against the opposite or worldliness and materialism.
Focuses on concrete things and familiar traditions. Insensitive and trivializes most of suffering. Narrow-mindedness. Rigidity. Locked. May cause and prolong a lot of problems. Routine-like. Materialistic and non-philosophical. Unessential external pedanticity. Prejudice directed at people outside of the group or clan. Simple gods and soulless ceremonials. Honor culture that is vulnerable to imaginary shame and soul-limiting identification with the house. Indifferent or violent, punitive, and wrathful "devil." Justifying tyrant. The immature hero. Does not see contradictions and hypocrisy. No reflection.
Physical action. Violence. Lovelessness. Self-numbing/Self-deadening. Trivializes thinking and the emotional or mental suffering of others.
*Direction and aim:
Habitual tradition. Routine. Worldliness/the mundane. Power. Self-sufficiency. Materialistic wealth (material riches, money or other wealth). A mostly worthless excess of "things" that do not give happiness but instead need to be protected from theft, loss, etc, and creates stress. Attached to status, power, and insensitivity (physical strength).
*Amount of responsibility taken:
None (not capable of it). But their folly can protect certain people from the madness of others in individual cases, and they are good at basic survival.
*Valuation and morality:
Control. Illusions of justice or future "victory." Deluded glory and honor. Worldliness. Self-sufficiency. Moral of physical strength, to be impressive in physical acts. To follow habitual cultural customs.
Weak. Constant distracting activity and sometimes already dead inside.
*The state and success of self-realization:
Weak. Temporary physical strength or material wealth as a weak substitute.
Level of awareness 7: Blindness Consciousness
[Analogous with wrong direction, ruins, the maximum of delusion and pathology]
Corrupted ruin of man (-) or defeated and the beginning of remorse (+). Devoured by darkness with life crumbled to pieces, but (if the individual survives) the beginning of new hope.
Struggle against reality and strongly dedicated to illusions. Most deluded. Creation of erroneous culture. The forming of religion or norms for one's own gain and one's own narrow appetite. Suffering. Slavery. Blind. Maximum of focus on desires. Absurdly unrealistic and ruthless. Indifference and erroneous valuation at the same time. Indifferent tyrant. Excessive torture of others. Maximal frustration. Rejection of relationships. Omni-hatred. Self-loathing. Maximum of control madness. The cause of strong and visible suffering. Strong identification. Extreme seriousness. Maximal manipulation and exploitation. Their own psychological prison. Maximal selfishness. Maximal bias. No appreciation of what's happening. Demands only the specific. The embracing of total corruption. No delusion about morality. Wanting to take everything with them into ruin. Spits on everything. Finally defeated. Affected by conscience/remorse. More realistic. New hope through (often necessary) experience in "hell." Development can only go upwards.
Opposes (struggles against) knowledge, love, and naturalness.
*Direction and aim:
The extremely selfish, partial and narrow-minded desire or wish. Power to inflict pain on others. Glory, conquest or victory (empty words and lies as an excuse to kill imaginary enemies). Attached to fantasies and lies.
*Amount of responsibility taken:
None (not capable or interested in responsibility).
*Valuation and morality:
Power. Victory. Conquest. Mass murder. Torture. Rape (should, however, not be confused with certain natural sexual fantasies where value assessment or reactive hatred is absent). Exploitation. Valuation of immorality. To satisfy one's own need of delusions.
None. Others pain as a substitute.
*The state and success of self-realization:
None. Rock bottom.
Tips for evaluating (Timelessness analysis)
Non-identification and omni-interest are usually easier to identify than non-attachment. It signals impartiality and love. Non-attachment does not mean giving up things, merely not to value them more than other things. The values of the subject and what they consider to be the goal of life reveals a lot. The timeless cause is regarded as knowledge, alone worthy of reverence, and thus as guiding principle. Is it formulated or expressed in the value of the individual or phenomenon? What do they mean by the words and concepts they use? Ideas/works are evaluated according to level of consciousness and its creators.
* Notice what people identify with and cultural hypnosis that makes them excessively serious (attached) instead of impartial and receptive.
* Notice the degree to which people focus on ideals, "morals," duties, and demands over acceptance, authenticity and self-knowledge (and how this focus on ideals or morals is mostly a rationalization based on their own desires and wishes).
* Notice the degree to which advise is subtle manipulation (unacceptance of what people are) or mostly to achieve happiness and fit into society without a valuation of the painful aspects of life.
* Notice the degree to which accusations are aimed at people's selfishness, without acknowledging that selfishness primarily originate from self-contempt and sense of lack (especially from lack of authenticity/naturalness).
* Notice the degree to which the person is natural and comfortable with herself or if the self concept is based on an ideal/acquisition or goal in the future.
* Notice the degree to which people focus on the future and end goals despite the goallessness of eternity, or whether they have the present and presence as the goal (i.e. already reached the goal).
* Notice the degree to which people, despite their focus on the future and goals, still can not define the goal with their goals – what they really want or are looking for.
* Notice the degree to which people have the vital starting point that human health (through self-knowledge) comes before social reforms or not.
* Notice the degree to which people accuse others as if everyone has free will and the same opportunities, even though they don't.
* Notice the degree to which people believe people are being original, do not perceive contradictions in their own arguments or that some "sciences" are incompatible, etc.
* Notice the degree to which rationality is based on own preferences and wishes (not impartial logic) and thus a form of causality (lack of free will or true reasoning) and that the primary desire is to change the external.
* Notice the degree to which people imagine they can be independent, does not accept what happens to them, does not give credit for achievements to creational (cause-creating) causality.
* Notice the degree to which people avoid logical consistency by instead venting their feelings, questioning other people's motives, making bold statements, repeating words/language, etc.
* Notice the degree to which people fail to include love and authenticity as virtuous goals, especially liberating authenticity/naturalness (without which love merely becomes a duty-bound routine).
* Notice the degree to which people do not understand each other (assumes everyone is the same), ends up in conflict with their peers or partners or followers because they are different types, and can not speak the truth about themselves because of lack of self-knowledge.
* Notice the degree to which people divide people into simple and stereotypical categories without a more sophisticated typology, as well as how they with presumptions downgrade or demonize people because of type or certain traits.
* Notice the degree to which people use impractically complicated jargon or use of language that will risk being misinterpreted, and how words are often used without proper definition.
* Notice to what extent people interpret language and jargon wrongly, especially ancient teachings and writings.
And so on.