
   Fiduciam    Magnitudinem    Abstractum
   Misericordia    Urbanum    Libidinem
   Meritum    Corpus    Exitium

Corpus means "body (frame)" and refers to stability and function-oriented, adaptable and loyal custom habit. (I have given Corpus the alternative names Soliditatem, which means "solidity" and refers to reliability or steadfastness; and Stabilem, which means "steady, stable, enduring.")

Corpus is the most down-to-earth and least neurotic psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their reliability and energy for stability, physical work, and family-and-household.

"Rock-solid (steady) energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human trait as the reflection of the social-anxious and affectionate (friendly) sphere in the vital-desensitized, sensory-motor sphere. The result is thus a less aggressive and more soft-hearted instinct or energy than the other two Morem-types. They both adapt to external norms and at the same time find pleasure in simplicity and avoiding complex thoughts, a mixture that makes them resemble Libidinem, but with less passion and more self-reliance. Corpus-types trivialize awareness and feelings (of self and others) in favor of practical support, provision, and physical action – often in an economical and sometimes almost pedantic way. It is this steady energy, as well as unwillingness to let themselves be affected by things, that enables them to endure in the concrete world and gives them a special talent as workhorses, parents, good neighbors, and generally stable "salt of the earth" foundations in society.

Function in the species
In mankind "as an organism", the Corpus-energy seems to primarily constitute a function intended to support or ensure stable and functional routine, cultural stability, annual rituals, economics, conservative caution, practical helpfulness, local loyalty and community service, reliable support and protection, parenting, family ties, provision, food preparation, altruism, the necessities of life, etc. Commonly a Corpus-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.

Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around a soft-hearted psychology with cognitive obscuration that wants to resist being affected by internal or external disturbing elements (especially psychological or emotional) and presses the instinct to become rock-solid and lets uncomfortable things "bounce away" from their awareness in favor of stability and preferably confluence with mundane routine and freedom from problems. Such an overly stable and unshakable tendency in turn leads to an often closed mentality, resistance to change, preventive local altruism and economy, simplicity, psychological anesthesia, as well as mockery towards what deviates from the usual and commonplace. Many are familiar with the phenomenon as an often narrow and conservative "peasant mentality" (especially in older eras and in smaller rural areas).

What is most striking about Corpus-types is that they are physically strong and enduring yet at the same time mentally sensitive and weak; intolerant of the problems of others yet at the same time devoted to others in action. The Corpus-energy tends to be polarized in both steady unshakableness with affection for others and at the same time an easily shocked and easily distressed nature that, in its need to repel anything that may disturb their mind, remain relatively indifferent to everything even in their helpfulness and loyalty. Unshakableness leads to quietness or frivolous mockery and trivial conversations, as well as a passionless state where the individual is neither absorbed in their own joy nor engrossed by their own sorrow. With the avoidance of wanting to know, of being being affected, curiosity and questioning also disappear. Instead, there is a flat and commonplace view of the world with a lot of prejudice and anxiety towards the foreign or unknown.

Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
On the personal level, their practical support and loyalty, as well as their willingness to serve and sacrifice for others, can lead them to become exploited and taken for granted. They have a hard time saying "no" or standing up for their rights. Despite this, it usually goes relatively well for them in life in concrete terms since steady work and reliability are highly valued and often rewarded by the environment so that it also happens that they are assigned higher positions in society. It is mainly when they repress their own true feelings and desires to such an extent that when they finally begin to remember or wake up to their reality, they feel distressed with themselves and experience depression. If they deny or avoid awareness of this in order to continue enduring, their true feelings may instead leak out in the form of migraines, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, or other physical symptoms. When they trivialize their own deeper needs, thoughts and feelings, the opportunity for more substantial intimate contact with others is also lost, so that in the end physical availability is the only thing the environment gets out of them.

This also creates problems at the relational level where a partner, family or friends may experience boredom with the Corpus-individual's mundane routine and lack of depth. Corpus' immovable tendency with quietness, focus on trivial things, and resistance to awareness creates a distance and separation from people even when they exist in their vicinity and are family members. The adaptation to others is not on a mental or intimate level as in Gratum-types, but in the form of consideration and external support, and hence remains more separate. However, it may take some time before a partner or child senses that something feels wrong and unsatisfactory with the relationship, since the Corpus-individual's other forms of helpfulness, relative consideration (except when it comes to psychological problems), and few or no attempts to change the other is appealing to most people. Especially children are attracted to and appreciate Corpus-individuals. But when children then grow up and become more complicated teenagers with deeper needs (such as receiving emotional support or intellectual guidance), they may experience frustration with their Corpus-parent. Adolescents may also experience that Corpus-mothers are overprotective and that they impose on them something of a compulsive motherhood.

At the societal level, their tendencies lead to the existence of subjects willing to hand over some of their own power and allow others' ambitions, schemes or social systems to exploit and use them even when they themselves do not believe in this authority. A social and cultural indifference to prevailing structures that prefer to endure and adapt instead of making a fuss or protest. Corpus represents passive conformity more than other human types. A docility that does not search for what is relevant and that would rather normalize destructive tendencies in the culture than analyze them and disrupt the routine in the status quo. They also represent the conservative and prejudiced tendency in smaller rural areas, as well as the bureaucratic phenomenon and resistance to creative initiatives – lack of attention towards things that are dysfunctional and do not work. Like the Urbanum and Meritum phenomena, the Corpus phenomenon also contributes to the valuing of work over free time or leisure, and consequently that we end up having less time or opportunity to look deeper into ourselves.

The influence of secondary instincts on Corpus-types

With Fiduciam (FID) secondary in the configuration, idealism, kindness, humor, social activism or interest in spirituality, creativity, expressiveness and need for solidarity will increase in them. Not as rigid and can be perceived as intellectual, especially in combination with Urbanum co-secondary. More of a "humble" pedantic amateur educator in his interests and opinions. Can be confused with Abstractum-types.

With Magnitudinem (MAG) secondary in the configuration, black-and-white thinking, accusations, self-criticism, aggression, irritability, prejudice and pedantry will increase in them. More intensity than other Corpus', especially in combination with Misericordia co-secondary as they can also be confused with Exitium-types. Becomes less relaxed and less open, more suspicious and skeptical of others.

With Abstractum (ABS) secondary in the configuration, quietness, lack of expression, after or underdeveloped tendency, remoteness in relationships, steadfastness, "home-stuckness" and decreased desire will increase in them. More tendency to feel alienated among others. The least intense type of all. If intellectual activity is even remotely going on, it is pretty much invisible, especially in combination with Libidinem co-secondary.

With Misericordia (MIS) secondary in the configuration, sensitivity, complexity, intensity, capacity to complain, need for the right kind of confluence, reduced stability and tendency to depression will increase in them. Does not usually differ significantly from other Corpus but may be confused with Magnitudinem or other types if experience with this configuration is missing.

With Urbanum (URB) secondary in the configuration, energy, frivolity, lack of sorrow, sociability, superficiality, secret competitive spirit, verbal ability and social skills in general will increase in them. More interest in unusual groups and people, as well as more engaged. Thrives better in metropolitan environments than in smaller rural areas. Still prejudiced and mentally intolerant of things that bother or have disturbed them, without confrontation. With Fiduciam co-secondary, they often appear in political activism.

With Libidinem (LIB) secondary in the configuration, simplicity, steadiness, appetite, consumption, simple romance, lack of awareness, ruralness and physical vigor will increase in them. The Corpus that is easiest to recognize as Corpus with thick skin and hidden narcissism for its commonplace living.

For examples of famous Corpus-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.