
   Fiduciam    Magnitudinem    Abstractum
   Misericordia    Urbanum    Libidinem
   Meritum    Corpus    Exitium

Libidinem means "pleasure," "fancy," or "caprice" and refers to impulsiveness and pleasure-seeking or unstable, hedonistic nature. (I have given Libidinem the two alternative names Fortitudinem which means "determination" or "spirited force" and refers to an impulsive strong-willed force with spontaneous decisions; and Luxuriam which means "luxury, extravagance" and refers to how the romanticizing, passionate quality often expresses itself materially.)

Libidinem is the most impulsive och irresponsible psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their often needy self-will and energy for changeability, fun, and erotic love.

"Passionate energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human trait as the reflection of the vital sphere in the social-anxious sphere. As with Abstractum, however, it is not the physical power of action that increases, but instead the vitality of the dominant sphere – in this case the relational, expressive, emotional and needy tendency. In contrast to Misericordem where love and needs are contemplated intellectually and idealistically, love and needs in Libidinem is identified and mixed with the physical and erotic where contact and accessories become more essential. It is also a more simple, focused and selective love than in Urbanum who more wants to be liked by everyone. The result is a mixture of social or "malleable" extraversion that borrows values from the prevailing culture and at the same time a raw and wild nature that easily falls for its own impulses and needs for fun, romance, luxury and pleasures that can reach scandalous proportions. Their focus on fun, beauty, festivity and love can make them very popular company – giving them a special talent as a good buddy, model, nurse, stylist, or actor.

Function in the species
In mankind "as an organism," the Libidinem-energy seems to primarily constitute a function intended to support or ensure lovingness, beauty and aesthetics, erotic love and passion, sensuality, flattery, romance, adventurousness and stimulation, wild spontaneity, festivity, comedicness, determination, relational and caring contact, routine-defying chaos and surprise, etc. Commonly a Libidinem-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.

Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around a partly desensitized naive thoughtlessness combined with social-anxious needs and an easily hypnotized tendency that constantly entice them towards new outward-oriented antics and impatient impulsiveness to reach them. So we find an easily infatuated and life-romantic tendency with an interest in living their lives as if their wishes were real, for example by shopping for expensive things and surrounding themselves with beauty, luxury, pets and pleasure no matter how financially irresponsible it is. Other common manifestations are assertiveness, strong self-will, sensual pleasure, scandalous extravagance, special self-design, fantasies about being important, and a tendency to be attracted to external factors. This of course implies a lack of self-criticism and lack of deeper substance as in the case of Fiduciam and Urbanum, but Libidinem is more serious and neurotic due to stronger emotions and desires. Thus they may have low self-esteem and strong self-doubts that is sometimes comparable to Misericordem, and their hedonism or orientation to luxury becomes a love substitute.

Related to this causal mechanism is a tendency to expect life and the world to automatically live up to their naive and romanticized expectations. This often leads their environment to regard them as invasive or narcissistically entitled individuals who do not have a sense of limits or that the world is not always as pleasant and accommodating as the Libidinem-individual uncritically seems to expect. The need for freedom and independence that comes with strong desires makes them ask others for help indirectly so as not to end up in a position of dependence, or to seek a partner in love they can seduce and manipulate to experience the glamorous, romantic or adventurous life they want to fill needs and desires with. In some cases, it can even lead to a selfish and rebellious independence that resembles Exitium. Their strong passion can also lead to a disciplined or perfectionistic focus, making the energy have a tendency to be polarized in both chaotic laziness and persistent work towards the dream.

Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
On the personal level, their energy for chasing or living out romantic desires, connected with an unrealistic self-image and difficulty with limitations, can lead to a variety of problems and criticism from those around them. It is not rare for their physical health to be damaged if they indulge in their hedonistic desire for pleasure when it comes to, for example, food, sunbathing and sex. Other common health problems are eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or injuries from excessive body modification in the pursuit of the perfect body. In order to construct their own reality for themselves and others, or get attention, they can also make things up and easily become peculiar liars, like children, which causes others to lose trust in them. The friction between the need for social adaptation and their rebellious selfishness (as well as the desire to live out two conflicting types of lives) easily fragments their psyche into a multitude of subpersonalities that make it even harder for them to focus in life or get to know their own genuine needs. It is possible that also the controversial diagnosis Dissociative Identity Disorder is related to this psychosis-hylomorphism.

This also creates problems in the relational sphere where their stubbornness, irresponsibility and tendency to live too much in the present at the expense of future consequences means that they often end up in conflict with their partner, friends and family. Although they are usually good lovers with a natural talent for sexual intimacy (except in cases where personal experiences, anxiety about their bodies, cultural norms, taboos, and similar things have made them frigid with prejudices towards sex), a partner may be disturbed by their tendency to become too involved, manipulative and assertive in the relationship. And if Libidinem does not get enough attention and special treatment, they easily become unfaithful and seek their need for love, romance and satisfaction elsewhere. They can become socially stigmatized as "sluts" or "whores" and sometimes they themselves are frightened by their own sexual impulse. But their attempts to hide their lust can make others merely perceive them as even more deceptive and unreliable if they are caught, despite the fact that Libidinem has mainly deceived themself through a lack of self-awareness. Jealousy in relationships and irrational neurotic emotional outbursts without any susceptibility to criticism are also common problems. Fantasies and lying can at worst lead to Münchhausen's syndrome in which they appear as the savior of someone else, often a child, who has been made ill by the Lididinem herself, and can occur among Libidinem-mothers who want attention. Libidinem is sometimes classified as a female type of psychopath equivalent to the masculine Exitium.

At the societal level, their tendencies lead to men's disparaging view of women and what men call female irrationality and "whore tactics." Even though Libidinem has more empathy and love of people than the masculine types who more value things and ideas, their irresponsible behavior, need of luxury, and child-like selfishness can lead to men experiencing women's love (especially the love of beautiful women) as false and manipulative. Which causes men to only focus more on ideas and things as substitutes for love between the sexes. This in turn increases Libidinem-women's frustration with men's lack of interest or cynicism in giving them love. It is likely that it was Libidinem's licentiousness that made patriarchal cultures want to control and domesticate their favorite women through both violence such as genital mutilation and also ideological brainwashing. Libidinem's tendency to be hypnotized by cultural values and trends and then become fanatically passionate about them also constitutes a broader social problem when it becomes a form of mob rule. I have no doubt that many of the women who perform genital mutilation on their own daughters and react with moral panic are also Libidinem.

It is also not difficult to see how uninhibited hedonism, materialism, and orientation towards luxury affect societies negatively, both in terms of values and in terms of sustainability among natural resources. Libidinem is the biggest consumer, and excessive buying of everything has a very bad impact on nature.

The influence of secondary instincts on Libidinem-types

With Fiduciam (FID) secondary in the configuration, their fantasies, friendliness, open-mindedness, extraversion, verbality, expressiveness and spiritual interests will increase. Will in many ways increase the libidinemic tendency in terms of dreams, fantasies, and spontaniety. Reduces the risk of being neurotic or expressing negative emotions. More charming and flexible, but also more naive.

With Magnitudinem (MAG) secondary in the configuration, their disdainfulness, jealousy, inclination to accuse others for issues, aggression, irritability, hostility and increased neurotic behavior in general will increase. Less pleasant. More serious in terms of cultural norms, ideas and customs they adopt. More easily becomes envious, critical, negative, and judgmental.

With Abstractum (ABS) secondary in the configuration, their quietness, introversion, lack of energy, underdeveloped tendency, social phobia, ambivalence towards relationships and heavier state of mind will increase. Can easily be confused with Misericordem or even Abstractum-types despite the otherwise stark contrast. Can be bothered by superficiality and feel like an outsider among other Libidinem-individuals.

With Meritum (MER) co-secondary in the configuration, their needs for cultural education, competence, helpfulness, discipline, work performance, superiority, and leadership qualities will increase. Is more independent and powerful. Fantasies and dreams lean more towards cultural ambitions, which can make them resemble Urbanum or Meritum. More civilized, adult and sometimes even intellectual. Julius Caesar was probably of this variant.

With Corpus (COR) co-secondary in the configuration, their prejudice, dependence on relationships, inferiority, sensitivity to criticism, service to others, fear, and love needs will increase. Can appear less selfish and with more focus on immediate family and relatives. Less independent. Also less need for glamor or luxury but can still dream of it. Identification with Cinderella. Perhaps it is this variant that becomes "daddy's little girl" due to increased dependence on others.

With Exitium (EXI) co-secondary in the configuration, their boldness, extravagance, lust, self-sexualization, love of contact, self-interest, as well as scandalous and wild expressions will increase. More the porn star, the whore, the slut, the rebel, the hedonist. More easily becomes addicted to alcohol or drugs. Increased tendency to socially rebel, has an easier time being brazen and insolent. Can also be a clownish "bimbo" or extravagant and crazy comedian like Jim Carrey or Andy Kaufman.

For examples of famous Libidinem-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.