
   Fiduciam    Magnitudinem    Abstractum
   Misericordia    Urbanum    Libidinem
   Meritum    Corpus    Exitium

Magnitudinem means "greatness" or "magnitude" and refers to a kind of eye for higher ideals and tendency to judge, which includes a search for truth, facts and fairness. (I have given Magnitudinem two alternative names that also refer to the focus on truth. The first one is Cognitum which means "recognized knowledge"; and the second one is Veritatem which means "truth" or "facts.")

Magnitudinem is the most questioning and judging psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their focus on truth and energy for public interest, keeping an eye on people in positions of power, and exposing lies and injustices.

"Discerning (or Judging) energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human characteristic as the reflection of the social-anxious sphere in the mental or idealistic sphere. The result is thus a less individualistic instinct or energy than Fiduciam that instead contemplates its position in relation to society and at the same time the position of society to its own inner values regarding higher ideals. This is what may contribute to the increased discipline and self-judgment we find in Magnitudinem compared to the other two Sapientiam-types. It is clearly a creative and talented type, comparable to Fiduciam, but is less open-minded and will judge their own and others' performance harder. They are the least naive, are often careful with facts, and have a special eye for injustices and corruption with very black-and-white thinking – giving them a particular talent as whistleblowers, journalists, politicians, or society's watchdog groups.

Function in the species
In humanity "as an organism," the Magnitudinem-energy seems to primarily constitute a function intended to support or ensure questioning, fact-gathering, discernment, logic, focus on competence, axiology and valuation, prudence, public interest, justice, security service, debunking and focus on truth, technics, cultural and aesthetic discipline (e.g. spiritual practices, music composition, writing, situational comedy), etc. Commonly a Magnitudinem-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.

Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around a strong evaluating super-ego pressing the instinct into judgments, self-judgments, feelings of guilt, questioning, and the need for competence, impeccability, truth, ideals, justice, strength, and greatness. This worship of grandeur and idealism in turn increases the thinking in opposites (black and white thinking), disdainfulness and aggressive intolerance of ambiguity. But this "refuge into ideals" is something like an escape from reality that can be experienced by others as naive in its unrealistic desire, divorced from reality. So, just as the relatively non-critical Fiduciam can still be perceived as critical in its mistrust of laws and of thought policing, the questioning Magnitudinem can be perceived as naive or non-critical in their outlandish conspiracy theories or excessive belief in particular ideals. Thus the energy contains a tendency to be polarized in both ambivalence with critical analysis of the world in general, and at the same time a lack of criticism when it comes to its own partial truth or judgment. The uncritical aspect is often connected with their need for greatness or social ideal, an ideal that can reach inhuman proportions.

Here we must also address how exaggerated analysis appears to replace intuition in Magnitudinem-individuals, which may explain their sometimes absurd and overblown accusations and claims about others. For the external observer, it resembles a lack of intuition, something that, for example, has been said of Abraham Lincoln who seemed to "lack intuitive judgment" and only relied on the American constitution. But it seems that Magnitudinem-individuals regard themselves as having a good "gut feeling" for corruption, hidden intentions, and reading between the lines. This trait can be compared to the previously mentioned polarity of ambivalence and overconfidence within the type where an all too simple or one-sided description can give the wrong impression of their own self-concept.

An additional manifestation of the inner judge is a tendency to either become too grandiose and narcissistic or too inferior and self-defeating in their attitude towards themselves depending on where they find themselves in relation to the ideal (or their specific configuration). Something similar happens with their view of others who are either raised up as giants (even relatively ordinary people) or demonized and downgraded to the lowest (also relatively ordinary people). The result is often a hierarchical view of society and of people: those who are "alpha" and those who are "beta"; those who are worthy and those who are unworthy; those who are "winners" and those who are "losers."

Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
On the personal level, their questioning, over-analyzing tendency or conspiracy theories can lead to persecutory delusions (schizophrenic paranoia) or the feeling of being attacked in general. If they perceive themselves as being in an inferior position, they feel persecuted by those in power positions; and if they perceive themselves as being in a superior position, they feel persecuted by those in a lower position who may be envious or plan to usurp power. Out of all the types, Magnitudinem has the most pressing super-ego in the psyche, which can lead to a tortured sense of shame and guilt or concern with feelings of injustice that makes it difficult for the individual to relax or let go of inhibitions. These inhibitions and repressions, together with the mixture of experienced pain and fixations on ideals or justice, also contributes to an increase in aggression. Many people who commit school shootings are tortured Magnitudinem-individuals.

This also creates problems in the relational sphere where their suffering and aggressions may result in people keeping their distance from them. This is also one of the two most introverted types, whom are difficult to seduce, who make independent decisions and do not adapt easily. Questioning and judgments are difficult to reconcile with harmonious relationships, and their partners or friends may get unexpected accusatory assumptions leveled at them that can become a source of frustration in the long run. There can be an element of sexism in which the partner is expected to fulfill the ideal role of his or her sex, or the individual begins to view the opposite sex as an enemy or lower class being they prefer to avoid. There is a difficulty with equality in relationships since they constantly evaluate or judge. Sexual inhibitions can also be a problem when it comes to intimacy, but that is hardly unique to the type.

At the societal level, their tendencies contribute to general disdainfulness as well as extreme ideas and solutions to problems if they do not find or choose the right guidance. When ideals and overconfidence in a certain "truth" are used as a weapon or defense, this tendency can lead to dogmatism and limitations in tolerance. This can have destructive consequences for societies and for individuals when certain people end up as scapegoats by disdainful and partial Magnitudinem-individuals in their demands for justice, logic, order, and absolutism without humility where everyone must submit to the ideal. This does not contribute to a friendly or loving socio-cultural atmosphere, and is one mechanism behind a lot of nationalism, fascism and religious vanity. Sometimes they can even place their ideals over the principles of truth or justice, but they usually come up with some type of argument for their grand ideal supported by what they consider to be facts. Usually they do not intend to become or support despots, but their pain and need for alliance with something that expresses strength and a force to be reckoned with, as well as a sense of guilt and duty from the super-ego, makes it difficult for them to distance themselves from harsh leaders and systems of social or spiritual elitism, or cease with the demonization of human nature.

The influence of secondary instincts on Magnitudinem-types

With Misericordia (MIS) secondary in the configuration, their sensitivity, pessimism, seriousness, grumpiness, complexity, self-judgments, inclination towards anxiety or depression, but also altruistic tendencies, will increase. Sometimes a reduction in physical beauty while the intellectual tendency tends to increase. Humor can become important to serve therapeutic purposes (e.g. Abraham Lincoln and Claes Eriksson). More shy and less confident, but can be brave and dedicated to people in need (e.g. Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa), especially in combination with Corpus.

With Urbanum (URB) secondary in the configuration, their vocal capacity, drivenness, energy, self-confidence, political interests, rational thinking, and willingness to appear in public and be heard will increase. Over-confidence in their own ability increases along with the need for a higher social position but is more bold in opposing conventional political directions in order to reach their social ideal. Less tolerance for people's problems, less troubled by their super-ego, less self-criticism or self-introspection, but can cover it over with some humanitarian rhetoric and social intelligence. Often interested in politics.

With Libidinem (LIB) secondary in the configuration, their willfulness, spontaneity, reactivity, clowniness, sexual interests, self-esthetics and often their physical beauty, will increase. Their discipline tends to diminish and they more often have an interest in becoming an actor or comedian (e.g. John Cleese and Robert Gustafsson). Can easily be confused with the eccentric variant of their Fiduciam counterpart when Exitium is co-secondary. The intellectual tendency is less visible with this combination and they may have a "hero complex" with increased grandiose fantasies (including the paranoid ones).

With Meritum (MER) co-secondary in the configuration, their hierarchical world view, community engagement, sense of mission, work performance, conservative ethics, need for responsibility and discipline, and love of their own culture or tradition, will increase. One of the most authoritarian human types where idealism can become cold and ruthless towards people or things that do not fit in. Increased interest in order, structure, laws and rules, and that people follow these. More socially informed.

With Corpus (COR) co-secondary in the configuration, their selflessness, adaptation, dependency, sensitivity to criticism, fear, soft-hearted tendency and orientation towards family or friendships will increase. Experience themselves as more shy and inferior, especially in combination with Misericordia. Less aggressive where accusations are more hidden or turned against themselves. Less capacity to assert a particular truth or confront people and more often take refuge in fantasies. More loyal towards partner. More likely to be politically left-wing.

With Exitium (EXI) co-secondary in the configuration, their capacity for rebellion, arrogance, confrontation, anger, addiction to sex, competitive tendency, and narcissistic or bombastic grandiosity will increase (e.g. Alex Jones and Youtuber "The Golden One"). Especially with Libidinem co-secondary, forming a more bizarre, colorful, exaggerated, dramatic, and "mad" type. May unintentionally become an entertaining type that can be difficult to take seriously.

For examples of famous Magnitudinem-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.