Fiduciam | Magnitudinem | Abstractum |
Misericordia | Urbanum | Libidinem |
Meritum | Corpus | Exitium |
Exitium means "destruction" and refers to violence, revolutionary spirit, and rough or desensitized primitivism. (Exitium has potentially three alternative names: Devorem which means "swallow," "devour" or "enjoying," which refers to an insatiable tendency with strong desire and raw nature; Rudem which means "rough" or "raw"; and Durum which means "harsh" or "unyielding.")
Exitium is the most rebellious and violent psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their desires and energy to put up resistance, be independent, and seek physical adventure.
"Demolishing (primitive) energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human trait as the localization of the vital-desensitized sensory-motor sphere (associated with more primitive impulses, bodily sensations, robustness, action and the body's motor function). It is thus an instinct or energy that is very close to a natural rawness with seemingly authentic and basic human characteristics such as sexual urges and resistance to cultural inventions or domestication. The vital and independent force of Exitium is strong, but the desensitized and primitive tendency also makes it easier for them to become violent, immature and tyrannical in defending their own power or assets. However, it is this thick-skinned and resilient tendency with a tougher mindset that makes them avoid friction less than others and this gives them a special talent as police officers, revolutionaries, action actors, and those who have to take care of the rough and dirty jobs in society.
Function in the species
In mankind "as an organism," the Exitium-energy seems to primarily constitute a function intended to support or ensure raw power, friction and confrontation, less avoidance of life (love of contact), boldness, risk-taking, willpower and passion, renewal through destruction, necessary demolition and "descent," cosmic madness or "sacred perversity," authentic basic naturalness, resistance to unnatural cultural inventions, stimulating entertainment, business, etc. Commonly an Exitium-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.
Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around a desensitized or tough-minded psychology with cognitive obscuration and strong primitive impulses that do not tolerate limitations and thus pushes the instinct towards independence and one ups to satisfy needs, which easily leads to rebellion against the taboos, laws and rules of societies. Identification thus often lies with more primitive cultures and simple tribes than technological and complex modern societies that fixate on regulation and order. As a motor-physical Morem-type, there is still a lot of rigidity and folksiness, but the impulse-oriented tendency makes them less prejudiced and less socially oriented. Instead, Exitium-types are drawn to precisely what societies and cultures often regard as perverted, wicked, criminal, and uncivilized.
One consequence of this is that Exitium-types often end up outside of society or in prisons, and thus also outside of life, while their insensitivity causes them to miss out on the subtle and small but nice things in life. In this way, their thirst for life, experiences, intensity, etc., increases, and the result is often excessive actions. They know the appeal of worldly desires and so know how to promise big things to people they want to seduce and get onboard their team. And this is also what makes them the most competitive type with a strong desire to win, and collaborating with people who want to win. Thus, despite appreciating and seeking honesty and naturalness, they often have no qualms about manipulating, charming and deceiveing other people to both make their own selfish behavior more accepted and at the same time satisfy their desires. A polarity of honesty and manipulation. However, they can have great respect for a father figure with integrity and become more honest among like-minded people.
Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
On the personal level, their unwillingness to play along with restrictive social rules (or to inhibit themselves) can lead to a need for separation from others, to seek out like-minded people to form gangs with, or to gain an advantage in society so that they themselves can dictate what the rules are. Their refusal to submit to others often make them end up as loners, as members of criminal gangs and organizations, or as tyrannical dictators in smaller nations, clan families, obscure cults, and so on. This antagonism towards the civilized world, and their suspicion that other people might be just as hard-hearted as themselves, will also increase their need to harden themselves in preparation for combat and capacity for brutality as a defense. Instead of selling their souls for adaptation, good reputation or social status, they sell their souls for insensitivity and invulnerability in the pursuit of self-sufficiency and satisfaction. Abuses and other stimuli (such as rough sex, strong alcohol) becomes a substitute for social fellowship, love, tenderness or healthy relationships.
This also creates problems at the relational level when their own desires are placed over of a partner, family or friends with the consequence that these feel overwhelmed, exploited or abused. The two classic examples are the tyrannical father or the violent wife abuser. They might demand from their loved ones that they become accomplices or give in to lower impulses so that everyone is "on the same page." If Exitium-individuals start to feel ruined and evil, they often try to pull down others to the same level rather than admitting their guilt and experience social exclusion. Thus, they often test others, and want to know that others have their backs and are trustworthy. The emotional indifference that comes with the desensitization and hardening is another problem. Sex is also something they often demand, especially from their partner, to feel loved. Sex for them is an easier way to express connection and partnership than tender expressions of love. Besides sex, they can also express love through protection and material support, but rarely through tenderness. As with some Libidinem-types, promiscuity, infidelity, and difficulty with monogamy can also be common problems.
At the societal level, their tendencies lead to organized crime and terrorist groups – the violent extremism in general – which also includes the slave trade, trafficking and rape. But this criminal phenomenon is a little too obvious and is often used as a scapegoat and rationalization for the use of an even greater but less obvious abuse of violence on a global scale; namely, war, murder and terrorism carried out by states that want to defend their own ideals and self-interests. Individualistic freedom within one's own country, but violations of people's freedoms outside of it. An exitiumic insensitivity also exists in the indifference to the pain and death of other populations. A cultural masculine immaturity in terms of developing love and tenderness. Social Darwinism that rationalizes injustices really based on circumstances by appealing to the law of the jungle instead of a genuinely civilized law. "Survival of the strongest (and most insensitive) nations." Authoritarian tendencies and structural violence that only elicits more violence in lower classes and which makes crime among vulnerable groups understandable and sometimes even legitimate.
The influence of secondary instincts on Exitium-types
With Fiduciam (FID) secondary in the configuration, friendliness, humor, adventurousness, social activism or interest in spirituality, creativity, expressiveness and intellect will increase in them. Not as predatory and can be perceived as intellectual, especially in combination with Urbanum co-secondary. May become intolerant of slow people. Greater curiosity, creativity and versatility.
With Magnitudinem (MAG) secondary in the configuration, black and white thinking, accusations, suspicion, self-criticism, aggression, guilt and hardening will increase in them. More interested in justice and condemns more the transgressions and violations of others. Increases focus on combat readiness as defense. More trying to avoid blame through accusations and keeping count.
With Abstractum (ABS) secondary in the configuration, quietness, expressionlessness, after or underdeveloped tendencies, independence, desensitization, "home-stuckness" and a slight decline in desire will increase in them. Becomes more simple and less noticeable, especially in combination with Libidinem co-secondary, which means that they can be confused with Corpus-types. But they tend to be more private. G.W. Persson, Sean Connery, and Varg Vikernes are examples. In combination with Urbanum this type is often more intellectual (J.F. Gariépy and Vox Day are examples).
With Misericordia (MIS) secondary in the configuration, sensitivity, vulnerability, anger against what is annoying, intensity, dramaticness, bad or evil self-image, capacity to show vulnerability and propensity for depression will increase in them. The most intense configuration among Exitium-types. Also the most explosive and sadistic since increased vulnerability also increases the desire to strike back. Can also be more clownish.
With Urbanum (URB) secondary in the configuration, self-confidence, sociability, energy, productivity, responsibility, adaptability, verbal capacity and social skills in general will increase in them. More engaged in society but still often opposed to it. Can sometimes submit to and support a strong or authoritarian leader (e.g. Heinrich Himmler who still made his own independent decisions towards the end of the war without Hitler's knowledge). Can also be perceived as intellectual in combination with Fiduciam co-secondary and may be confused with other types, such as Magnitudinem. More mature and may be less selfish.
With Libidinem (LIB) secondary in the configuration, simplicity, independence, one-sidedness, appetite, consumption, family orientation, romance and physical beauty will increase in them. Often a charming type in combination with Fiduciam or Magnitudinem, such as Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio, but can also be authoritarian like Benito Mussolini. A lot of Exitium-actors have Libidinem in their configuration.
For examples of famous Exitium-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.