Fiduciam | Magnitudinem | Abstractum |
Misericordia | Urbanum | Libidinem |
Meritum | Corpus | Exitium |
Misericordia means "compassion" and refers to a focus on empathy, problems, and human suffering, which includes a high sensitivity, especially towards vulgarity, an anxiety, and a neediness. An alternative form of the name is "Misericordem" which perhaps is more grammatically correct. (I have given Misericordem the alternate name Sensitivum which means "sensitive.")
Misericordem is the most sensitive and squeamish psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their focus on empathy, refinement, and energy for compassion, protest against insensitivity, and focus on people's flaws and relational needs.
"Sensitive energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human trait as the reflection of the mental-fantastical or idealistic sphere in the social-anxious sphere. The result is thus a less extraverted instinct or energy than the other two Gratum-types that both contemplates its position in relation to the environment and others and at the same time the position of others to their own inner values regarding refinement or abstract ideals. A mixture that resembles Magnitudinem, but their ideals are more based on tactfulness, love and relationships than social orders, strength or masculinity. This also contributes to the increased escapism, criticism and self-judgment we find in Misericordem compared to the other two Gratum-types. Misericordem can also to some extent be regarded as Fiduciam inverted where pessimism and sometimes a certain psychological aggression or relational intensity contrasts with Fiduciam's optimism, psychological tenderness and easy-going relational "lightness." They are sometimes drawn to psychological problems, are often the most intense and dependent, and often have difficulty even with fun and pleasure – giving them a particular talent as playwright for dramas, therapist, poet, or emotionally cathartic artist.
Function in the species
In humanity "as an organism," the Misericordem-energy seems to primarily constitute a function intended to support or ensure compassion, empathy, working through sorrow, consolation talks, opening other people's hearts, bringing attention to our flaws with care, attention towards existing pain and problems, protest, cathartic expressions, "sacred neurosis," relational depth, social equality, deep feeling, etc. Commonly a Misericordem-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.
Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around a high sensitivity that derive from the anxiety and needs of the social-emotional sphere in combination with the mental sphere's capacity for imagining something better than reality. This often leads to an increase in desires and needs from the external to feel satisfied, or an escape into intense longing and dreaming. This sensitivity and dependency on the environment presses the instinct into a fixation on how the environment affects them or how the environment regards them, often with resulting self-inhibitions or a desire to refine, equalize, criticize – or even destroy – an environment that is felt to be terrible, loveless, and vulgar. So we often find a tremendous pessimism, complaint, and dissatisfaction leveled at themselves and others, but also empathy for others struggling with difficulties that deviates from the norm, including criminals. Thus the Misericordem-energy tends to be polarized in both intense contempt and anguish towards the world and itself in general, and at the same time a sensitive carefulness with a desire for the world and a sense of empathy for rebels and the rejected. A polarity of excessive protest that can make them stand out and excessive carefulness (to not be hurt) that can make them not stand out. They can be enormously empathetic and understanding of other people's problems, but are perhaps generally less loving than the other two Gratum-types, which is important to remember when considering the energy as a secondary component in the configurations of other types.
Other common manifestations of this high sensitivity and "dependency" is less capacity for pleasure, a seeming asexual or sadomasochistic tendency, intense drama, envious hatred, strong victim role, lack of independence, affectation in order to be their ideal or become something else, difficulty dealing with individual differences that creates separation (loneliness) and power structures (uneven distribution of love), and perhaps even a desire to maintain problematization in general as well as a desire to sabotage and destroy everything that is not "pure." All this self-frustration and "needs" from the world, in turn, also tends to increase their desires and longings, leading to genuine depression and desperation.
Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
At the personal level, their high sensitivity, intensity of problems, and need for empathy or purity can lead to exclusion or being bullied by others. Misericordem is the most bullied human type in schools, because of their needs from the environment that at times, and apart from mere "whining," can resemble sabotage, self-sabotage, and loud protest against insensitivity. Sometimes it happens that they end their own lives or afflict injury onto themselves in various ways, and commonly make visits to psychologists or end up in mental hospitals. They feel compassion for others more easily than for themselves. The pessimism and contempt can also make them paranoid and aggressive, similar to Magnitudinem-types, and makes this the second most common type among school shooters.
This also creates problems in the relational sphere where their criticism, position of dependency, intensification of problems, squeamishness, demands for love and solace constitutes a large part of the relational problems in society. Their difficulty with pleasure and satisfaction can make them appear to be odd or substandard lovers since some of them do not want to give themselves (or others) pleasure despite not seldom having strong erotic desires (only some of them are prudes). How this intensity of problems and need for empathy expresses itself, however, depends on the configuration. The configuration that is least intense or making themselves a pain is the one with Fiduciam and Meritum secondary, and it is possible that such individuals do not fully recognize themselves in this description. Squeamishness and drama are also often a trait of Libidinem-types, but has other causal mechanisms and manifestations. In Misericordem, love life and other relationships are easily contaminated with resentment due to excessive seriousness concerning sensitive needs and differences that in their minds creates separation, as well as the inability to fully value or respect themselves. They often remove themselves from people in pessimism, sometimes in fear of having their flaws discovered, or submit themselves to people with immense attachment.
At the societal level, their tendencies leads to a certain noisy mob mentality, especially within radical feminist circles, with envious aggressiveness, taboos against differences, and demands for equality in the form of equal outcomes (beyond equality before the law or equality of opportunity). This mentality does not only exist in Misericordem-individuals, but they are often the origin of it. Since it is a type that is more common among women, their tendencies also contribute to a view of woman as weak, helpless, submissive and excessively neurotic – something that may have contributed to newborn girls sometimes being killed "out of mercy" during certain barbaric times. Does not build up a picture of the woman as strong and equal, but as a victim who harasses others with demands for compensation. Misericordem is also the human type that seems to consist of the most homosexual and LGBTQ people (which may be connected with their function to be able to have the strongest compassion and empathy for deviations) but this also leads to similar expressions within LGBTQ movements. Easily driven by vengeance and may cause others to become upset on their behalf (or the behalf of their group) in their adoption of victim roles or of being bullied. Adolf Hitler is a historical example who had a talent for stirring up people's emotions and sympathies from the position of being a victim.
The influence of secondary instincts on Misericordem-types
With Fiduciam (FID) secondary in the configuration, their idealism, friendliness, humor, desire to inspire, verbality, expressiveness, and intellectual or spiritual interests will increase. Not as squeamish and has an easier time having fun and enjoying. Reduces the risk of resentment and revenge and can sometimes even be light-hearted with a more balanced tendency, especially in combination with Meritum. Comedian Kerstin Granlund, the mime Ika Nord, and actress Lisa Jane Persky are examples.
With Magnitudinem (MAG) secondary in the configuration, their black-and-white thinking, accusations, suspicions, aggression, irritability, hostility and sense of entitlement in judging will increase. It can give them a vengeful "all or nothing" attitude, especially in combination with Exitium. More serious in terms of justice and injustice. More easily becomes envious and critical, as well as paranoid. Only in combination with Meritum will the misericordemic tendency become more balanced.
With Abstractum (ABS) secondary in the configuration, their quietness, profound pondering, lack of energy, lagging or underdeveloped tendency, social phobia, awkwardness and introversion, will increase. Can be easily mistaken for Abstractum-types. Philosophers like Arthur Schopenhauer may have been a Misericordem with this configuration instead of being an Abstractum since he has similarities with both types. But his focus on suffering is misericordemic.
With Meritum (MER) co-secondary in the configuration, their need for cultural education, idealistic engagement, helpfulness, sense of mission, work performance, capacity to endure, and need to be the best, will increase. Is more independent and complains less. Sometimes becomes a politician (e.g. Stefan Löfven). Less emotional and instead focuses on defending others and fighting for the weaker. With Fiduciam in the configuration, they become the most positive variant. Can resemble Corpus-types if you don't know them well.
With Corpus (COR) co-secondary in the configuration, their prejudice, dependence on relationships, inferiority, sensitivity to criticism, service, fear, and squeamish tendency will increase. The most self-deprecating variant. Sometimes tries to get revenge by suffering. Experiences more feelings of shame regarding their own wishes and needs. Can be generous and do for others, especially with Fiduciam in the configuration.
With Exitium (EXI) co-secondary in the configuration, their capacity for insults, rawness, intensity, mistrust, self-interest, sexualization, and violent or mad expressions will increase. More desires and more need for beauty that can resemble Libidinem. Easily gets angry and intolerant of the slightest frustration and expresses their sensitivity through arrogance and punitiveness. One of the most explosive combinations and often a type that stands out. Valerie Solanas and the woman who shot at Youtube employees in 2018 are extreme examples.
For examples of famous Misericordem-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.