Fiduciam | Magnitudinem | Abstractum |
Misericordia | Urbanum | Libidinem |
Meritum | Corpus | Exitium |
Fiduciam means "trust" and refers to a trust in their own imagination, intuition, talent and fantasy. (Fiduciam has two alternative names: Visionem which means "sight/vision" and refers to the imaginative, often visionary tendency; as well as Fugam which means "flight/avoidance" and refers to the escapistic avoidance of difficult and uncomfortable things.)
Fiduciam is the most curious and individualistic psychosis-hylomorphism, which is connected with their open mind and energy for research, invention, and going against rigid conventions.
"Imaginative energy"
As we can see in the theoretical model, I have placed this human characteristic at the localization of the mental or idealistic "spirit-mind" sphere (associated with ideas, knowledge, conceptualization and wisdom). It is thus an instinct or energy that is very close to a natural wisdom with seemingly enlightened traits such as openness, freedom of thought, creativity and a driving force to make the world a better and more pleasant place to live in – a trait that may well have inspired the "Sattva" quality of Hinduism that some individuals are said to be blessed with more than others. The intellectual and visionary power of Fiduciam is strong, but their inventive minds also easily leads to a somewhat unstable and diffuse line of thinking, with a lot of exchange of ideas and proness to fantasy that may get in the way of more grounded substance. However, it is this curiosity and ability to take in a large variety of information and language that increases their intellectual complexity and gives them a particular talent as writer, teacher, journalist, or society's intelligentsia.
Function in the species
In mankind "as an organism," the Fiduciam-energy seems to primarily constitute a function that aims to support or ensure curiosity, open-mindedness, versatile-mindedness, creativity, inventiveness, scientific development, spiritual development, pain relief, inspiration, intuition, dissemination of information, verbal formulation of knowledge and ideas (teaching), intellectual debate, etc. Commonly a Fiduciam-individual will reach the conclusion that something of this sort is their life calling.
Causal mechanism
The fundamental or central mechanism behind this energy that promotes its function and characteristics seems to revolve around an expansive conceptualizing mind combined with a gentle, soft-hearted, sensitive tendency that creates a kind of non-conventional, intellectual and moral superiority that tries to impress and improve things while at the same time using a light, modest, confusing, humorous or slippery strategy due to "a lack of spine" in facing aggression and discomfort away from their minds or focus of interest. They are also typically not fond of narrow-mindedness or that which interferes with the individual's freedom and interest in the unusual. The higher the instinct the less repetition and more variety is necessary for health and satisfaction. So we find a difficulty with confrontation, a refuge into creative or intellectual projects, and a "live and let live" mentality where intense criticism primarily arises against what represents the opposite. Thus the Fiduciam-energy tends to be polarized in both a friendly lack of criticism or indulgent attitude towards the world in general, and at the same time a cynical mistrust and hostility towards what might get in the way of an open and good world or cause suffering. The Fiduciam-individual can also become spiteful or express criticism against what attacks them personally. However, this aggression is most often expressed through satire, humor and other intellectual strategies. On the whole, however, Fiduciam is less cynical or critical than the other two Sapientiam-types and is often perceived as naive by them (although having Misericordem in their configuration will make Fiduciam more cynical or pessimistic).
An additional manifestation of this lack of criticism is also less self-criticism or self-contempt than is the case with many other types, and can, with certain configurations, also lead to overconfidence in their own intuition, talent and ability. A certain pride in combination with a sensitivity to being hurt or feeling guilty also causes them to employ various forms of distraction maneuvers when they get into trouble. It is this that puts them at risk of remaining merely amateurs or quacks who mislead people or maintain mediocre cultural activities without being aware of it or wanting to recognize it. As biological support for this mobility, broad talent, sense of superiority, and self-trust, Fiduciam-individuals are often constitutionally more balanced in both physical motor-function, social adaptability, and mental capacity than the other human types. But their relatively tender minds and preference for debating ideas more than making decisions tends to make them a weak authority in the world. But many Fiduciam-individuals with Meritum in their configuration are incessantly working and successful entrepreneurs.
Personal, relational, and socio-cultural problems
On the personal level, their researching spirit, internal conceptual systems, unusual interests, and visions of the future can lead to a flight from reality that causes their lives to lack deeper anchorage, presence, stability or substance. They dislike mundane boredom and can become restless or get lost in their inner world of images and ideas. Since they are generally either light-hearted or critical but soft, and dislike conflicts or aggression, they have difficulty with confrontation, even when situations require it. They can become "weak men" who have difficulty standing up even to a female partner or a mother figure (though this is not unique to Fiduciam). The sometimes continuous talking about their mental obsessions and interests, without regard for others or engaging with reality in a straight way, can also make them attract ridicule or bullying.
This also creates problems in the relational sphere where a partner, child, or other family member may become frustrated with Fiduciams' limited involvement or avoidance of engagements and commitments. Like the other two intellectual types in the Sapientiam-sphere, they run the risk of social alienation and isolation. Fiduciam-individuals can become eternal wanderers from group to group with short-lived contacts when their interests shift, making the formation of deep and lasting relationships more difficult. Their difficulty in dealing with demands, discomfort and conflicts in relationships makes them avoid too strong intimacy, as well as avoiding relational problems through absorption in studies or occupational activities with short-term leave. They make themselves distracted as a defense and an indifference towards others can arise deep within them in their lack of pain tolerance since true love and empathy require a certain contact with human suffering. So their intimacy does not run deep and this easily leads to infidelity: both for themselves who are looking for a more easy-going pleasure substitute "with someone new" and for the partner who often tire of them and thus seek consolation "with another."
At the societal level, Fiduciam-individuals are relatively harmless. The biggest problem their tendencies bring along are naive ideas about liberal independence, social development, and solutions to societal problems. As "good" people they can have difficulty perceiving how corrupt and ruthless other types can be, and primarily blames social structures or authoritarian states as the cause of crime and suffering among populations. There is some truth to this, but in their superficial and partial analysis – based on their own easy-going and individualistic nature – they do not understand that people who possess a great deal of criminal values see opportunity of seizing positions of power when a social revolution shifts power to the people. And these do not hesitate to sacrifice their Fiduciam-allied in order to get it. Fiduciam-individuals often cannot predict this and do not understand it even after it has happened, because they do not understand their own role in it and the weakness of their ideas.
Other social problems the fiduciamic tendency can bring with it is continued incompetence and quackery within many areas of knowledge and wisdom. Since Fiduciam-individuals write a lot of books and spread a lot of theories, this adds to a lot of imaginative but unfounded or useless information and brainstorming being perpetuated that can obscure what is essential. Far from all Fiduciam-individuals become great inventors or geniuses like Nikola Tesla. The need to become culturally recognized can lead them to fake talents and exaggerate spiritual experiences, or market themselves as experts on things they do not know enough about – an intellectual arrogance or impatience that may find it difficult to admit when they are wrong. An inability to take certain things in earnest, as well as light-hearted hedonism in order to avoid the demands of life but in the long run becomes a burden on society, etc. Even when they bring wisdom and good stuff, their agreeableness tend to make them impotent when it comes to really fighting for their cause and use the necessary aggression.
The influence of secondary instincts on Fiduciam-types
With Misericordia (MIS) secondary in the configuration, their sensitivity, maturity, seriousness, criticality, complexity, self-introspection, and inclination to be anxious or depressed with self-destructive tendencies will increase (this combination is often the cause of bipolar disorder). Sexual tendencies and physical activity decrease while empathy and idealism increase. Their overconfidence also decreases and there is a greater risk of becoming a more isolated intellectual "outsider."
With Urbanum (URB) secondary in the configuration, their speaking ability, productivity, restlessness, need to talk, frivolousness, adaptability and social skills in general will increase. Overconfidence in their own ability increases along with ambition and the need for a higher, urban tempo. Intellectual depth tends to decrease but not necessarily the complexity or broad knowledge. Relationships tend to be more superficial and self-criticism or self-introspection is often absent.
With Libidinem (LIB) secondary in the configuration, their masculine or feminine traits, physical beauty, simplicity, hedonism, clowniness, romantic tendency and adventurousness will increase. Can easily be confused with Libidinem-types or the bizarre variant of their Magnitudinem counterpart when Exitium is co-secondary. More often actors (e.g. Chris Pratt, Josephine Bornebusch, and Keanu Reeves). The intellectual tendency is less visible with this combination and can be perceived as absent.
With Meritum (MER) co-secondary in the configuration, their need for academic education, idealistic engagement, sense of mission, work performance, conservative ethics, responsibility, and tendency to become an educator or teacher will increase. Can also accept hierarchies and the idea of authorities to some extent, but still remains more individualistic than other types. Less hedonistic and can, especially in combination with Urbanum, be contemptuous of people who are perceived as "lazy."
With Corpus (COR) co-secondary in the configuration, their need for distraction, sensitivity to criticism, weakness, judgmental tendency, saintly guise, fearfulness, and soft-hearted tendency will increase. Experiences themselves as being more shy and inferior, especially in combination with Misericordia where they can be confused with Abstractum or Misericordem types. More easily fooled and can be exploited (like Nikola Tesla). Less capacity to confront and escapes more often into fantasies. More loyal towards partner. May have a need to express general accusations and disappointments without direct confrontation.
With Exitium (EXI) co-secondary in the configuration, their capacity for insults, roughness, intensity, anger, sexualization, self-interest, as well as violent or perverse thoughts as elements of their creativity will increase (e.g. film directors Quentin Tarantino and Paul Verhoeven). An increase of cynicism and sarcasm that may resemble Magnitudinem and Abstractum. Less idealistic or naive. More pragmatic, resistant to pain, and "mad." In combination with Misericordia they probably constitute the most eccentric human type.
For examples of famous Fiduciam-types, see the pages about the phenotype, physiognomy and constitution of the types.